Performance appraisals are crucial in assessing how well you have performed in your job, and feedback and constructive criticism play a vital role in helping you improve.

However, receiving feedback can be challenging, yet critical that you handle it professionally and constructively.

In this blog, we'll share 10 unique tips to help you handle feedback and constructive criticism during your appraisal.

  1. Keep an open mind and listen attentively
  2. Take time to reflect on the feedback
  3. Ask for clarification if needed
  4. Be proactive in seeking feedback
  5. Thank your manager for their feedback
  6. Don't take feedback personally
  7. Focus on the actions you can take
  8. Create an action plan
  9. Seek support from your colleagues
  10. Follow up with your manager

Keep an open mind and listen attentively

One of the keys to receiving feedback is to keep an open mind.

Listen carefully to what your manager has to say and avoid being defensive or interrupting. This shows that you respect their opinion and are willing to take their feedback on board.

Keeping an open mind and listening attentively means actively engaging in the conversation, giving them your undivided attention, and taking in all of the feedback.

Keeping an open mind means being receptive to feedback, even if it's not what you want to hear.

Take time to reflect on the feedback

After receiving feedback, take some time to reflect on what was said. Consider the areas where you need to improve and how you can make the necessary changes.

Reflection allows you to evaluate the feedback and gain a better understanding of the areas you need to improve. This can help you create an action plan that addresses these specific areas.

Ask for clarification if needed

If you're not sure about something, ask your manager for clarification. It's better to be clear on what they mean than to assume and end up misunderstanding the feedback.

Asking for clarification allows you to comprehend the feedback without any misunderstandings. It can help you make the necessary changes more effectively.

Be proactive in seeking feedback

Don't wait for your appraisal to ask for feedback. Proactively seek feedback from your colleagues and manager throughout the year. This shows that you're committed to improving and willing to take feedback on board.

Being proactive in seeking feedback shows your commitment to your job and a willingness to improve. It also helps you identify areas of improvement before your performance appraisal.

Thank your manager for their feedback

Regardless of whether the feedback was positive or negative, always thank your manager for taking the time to provide feedback. This shows that you appreciate their efforts and are receptive to their comments.

Thanking your manager for their feedback demonstrates your appreciation for their time and effort. It also shows that you are receptive to their feedback, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

Don't take feedback personally

It's easy to take feedback personally, but it's important to remember that it's not a personal attack. It's an opportunity to improve, and everyone can benefit from constructive criticism.

Not taking feedback personally is vital as it allows you to stay objective and make the necessary changes without getting bogged down by negative emotions.

Focus on the actions you can take

Instead of dwelling on negative feedback, focus on the actions you can take to improve. This can help you stay motivated and committed to making the necessary changes.

Focusing on actions instead of dwelling on negative feedback helps you stay motivated and committed to making improvements.

It's also essential to remember that progress takes time, and any improvement, no matter how small, is still progress.

Create an action plan

After your appraisal, create an action plan with specific goals and steps you'll take to improve. This can help you stay focused and hold yourself accountable for making the necessary changes.

Creating an action plan with specific goals and steps keeps you focused and accountable for making the necessary changes. This also helps you track your progress toward improvement.

Seek support from your colleagues

It's okay to ask for help and support from your colleagues in making the necessary changes. This can help you stay on track and make progress toward your goals.

Seeking support from colleagues can help you make progress towards your goals. Colleagues can offer advice, guidance, and support during the implementation of changes.

Follow up with your manager

After implementing the changes outlined in your action plan, follow up with your manager to discuss your progress. This shows that you are committed to improving and willing to take their feedback on board.

Following up with your manager shows your commitment to improving and using their feedback to make changes. It also provides an opportunity to discuss any challenges you may have faced while implementing the changes.


Receiving feedback during an appraisal can be daunting, but it's a great opportunity for professional growth.

Keep an open mind, ask for clarification, thank your manager, create an action plan, seek support from your colleagues, and follow up with your manager.

Appraisals Career Advice