Tip 1 : Be strong with basic concepts of programming languages
Tip 2 : Be prepared about the project and the technologies used.
Tip 3 : Having good knowledge of the internships you have done and how should you anser problem solving questions.
Tip 1 : Should include internships and projects
Tip 2 : Need to specify any certifications done such as java certification.
It has total six sections
Numerical, logical, verbal, Networking, pseduo codes, basics of Ms office.
I was given 7:30 pm slot. We have to be quick enough while giving the assessment.
The platform was very good and easy to handle.
Seating arrangement questions
Two coding Questions.
First one is easy and second one is medium
Let ‘N’ = 4, ‘Arr’ be [1, 2, 5, 4] and ‘K’ = 3.
then the elements of this array in ascending order is [1, 2, 4, 5]. Clearly, the 3rd smallest and largest element of this array is 4 and 2 respectively.
Given 'N' : 5 (number of packets) and 'M' : 3 (number of students)
And chocolates in each packet is : {8, 11, 7, 15, 2}
All possible way to distribute 5 packets of chocolates among 3 students are -
( 8,15, 7 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 7’ = ‘8’
( 8, 15, 2 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 2’ = ‘13’
( 8, 15, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 8’ = ‘7’
( 8, 7, 2 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘8 - 2’ = ‘6’
( 8, 7, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘11 - 7’ = ‘4’
( 8, 2, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘11 - 2’ = ‘9’
( 15, 7, 2 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 2’ = 13’
( 15, 7, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 7’ = ‘8’
( 15, 2, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 2’ = ‘13’
( 7, 2, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘11 - 2’ = ‘9’
Hence there are 10 possible ways to distribute ‘5’ packets of chocolate among the ‘3’ students and difference of combination (8, 7, 11) is ‘maximum - minimum’ = ‘11 - 7’ = ‘4’ is minimum in all of the above.
6 rounds to test your Speaking, Listening and Memory.
Tip 1 : Listen carefully
Tip 2 : Answer properly with clear voice
Tip 3 : Use good quality headsets
The interviewers were friendly.
Confidence and clear communication.
Describe the workplace where you’ll be most happy and productive.
Who is your role model?
Tip 1 : Be prepared and convey with proper simple sentences.
Tip 2 : Giving examples for each question.
Tip 3 : being honest and genuine.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?