Tip 1 : Code as much as possible without looking at answers. Take help of hints after giving a proper attempt to the question.
Tip 2 : Concepts of DSA should be strong and keep revising the topics.
Tip 3 : Know the Time and Space conplexities of your code.
Tip 1 : Make a ONE page resume.
Tip 2 : Add links to show originality of your projects.
Tip 3 : Do not add false information just to fill the resume.
The round was divied into games of 5 mins each. Each game had 5 questions (MQC). We had to play a minimum of 20 games and had to score an overall average of 60% or more to qualify. The questions were based on OOPS, DBMS, Operating System and Maths.
1 coding question was given to be solved within 90 minutes. The platform was provided by Eduthrill. It was user friendly. Audio and Video was required to be ON in this round.
For the given DAG-
One of the possible topological sort will be-
1 2 3
This round was a Technical Interview 1. The round started at 7:30 pm in the evening and ended at around 8:20 pm. The video call was conducted using Google Meet and the coding of the given question was done on any of the compiler of my choice by screen sharing.
This was the last round of evaluation. The interview started with some questions related to my projects mentioned in my CV. After around 30 minutes, a coding question based on Graph Data Structure was asked (It was related to Topological sorting). I was asked to explain the idea and approach to the problem and not to code. At last, few HR questions were also asked in the same round.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?