Tip 1 : Try to increase your problem solving skills by solving puzzles.
Tip 2 : You should have good knowledge of basic data structures.
Tip 3 : You should have 1 or 2 major projects in your resume as it increases the chance of shortlisting.
Tip 1 : Do not put copied projects (which do not have knowledge) about in your resume as sometimes your projects in discussed in whole interview.
Tip 2 : Your resume should be ATS-friendly.
Webcam and microphone were mandatory .
There was 16 mcqs (45 min),2 coding questions(60 min),1 essay writing(10 min) and gamified assessment(23 min).
A subsequence of an array/list is obtained by deleting some number of elements (can be zero) from the array/list, leaving the remaining elements in their original order.
It was from 2 pm to 3pm. Interviewer was really friendly and provided me hints whenever I was stuck.
1. There are 100 doors in a row, all doors are initially closed. A person walks through all doors multiple times and toggle (if open then close, if close then open) them in following way: In first walk, the person toggles every door In second walk, the person toggles every second door, i.e., 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, … In third walk, the person toggles every third door, i.e. 3rd, 6th, 9th, … ……… ………. In 100th walk, the person toggles 100th door. Which doors are open in the end?
2. There are two empty bowls in a room. You have 50 white balls and 50 black balls. After you place the balls in the bowls, a random ball will be picked from a random bowl. Distribute the balls (all of them) into the bowls to maximize the chance of picking a white ball.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?