Adobe interview experience Real time questions & tips from candidates to crack your interview


6 rounds | 10 Coding problems

Interview preparation journey

I was unaware of this coding stuff till my school life. I got to know about the field of computer science in my class 11th. I found it intresting and decided that I will pursue my career in the field of computer science. I took admission in B.Tech CSE and at first like all students I wasted my first year in enjoying the college life. I learned DSA and practiced it regularily from the second and third year only.
Application story
I got to know about these openings in Adobe for experienced candidates through a LinkedIn post. As Adobe is a well known organisation, I thought that being a part of it will be very pleasing for me. So, I mailed to the HR through the link given in that post that I wanted to join them and he asked me to share my resume with him. I shared my resume with him and then the interview process began.
Why selected/rejected for the role?
I was rejected by them because I was not able to solve a coding question in the interview. I was also a bit nervous during the interview process which made me lack confidence which I think was the most important reason for the rejection.
Duration: 3 months
Topics: Data Structures, Algorithms, System Designs, Operating Systems, DBMS

Tip 1 : Be solid with the basics of Ds, Algo. Good to have end to end projects which are hosted on cloud.
Tip 2 : Its always good to be presentable and have good communications skills
Tip 3 : Be honest, clear in approach and always walkthrough your thought process to the interviewer

Application process
Where: Linkedin
Eligibility: Above 7.5 CGPA
Resume Tip
Resume tip

Tip 1 : Mention your projects and experience at the top. Be clear on what was done, a brief on how it was done, language /tech stack involved. If possible try to host and make it accessible. You never know if you can present it with just one click.
Tip 2 : Choose a balance between, white spaces and text, it should be well indented, no grammatical errors.
Tip 3 : It takes less than 2 min to scan a resume. Don't mention things which are irrelevant.

Interview rounds

Online Coding Interview
Duration140 minutes
Interview date10 Aug 2017
Coding problem3

2 Separate online rounds were hosted on HackerRank . Online Aptitude Round consisted of 45 questions. Online Coding Round consisted of 3 questions.

1. Compress the String

25m average time
60% success
Asked in companies
InfosysMathworksHarman International

Ninja has been given a program to do basic string compression. For a character that is consecutively repeated more than once, he needs to replace the consecutive duplicate occurrences with the count of repetitions.


If a string has 'x' repeated 5 times, replace this "xxxxx" with "x5".

The string is compressed only when the repeated character count is more than 1.

Note :

The consecutive count of every character in the input string is less than or equal to 9.
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2. Maximum Sum

35m average time
70% success
Asked in companies
Paytm (One97 Communications Limited)CognizantGE (General Electric)

You are given an array “ARR” of N integers. You are required to perform an operation on the array each time until it becomes empty. The operation is to select an element from the array(let’s say at ith index i.e ARR[i]) and remove one occurrence of the selected element from the array and remove all the occurrences of (ARR[i]-1) and (ARR[i]+1) from the array(if present). Your task is to maximize the sum of selected elements from the array.

For example, let’s say the given array is [2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5].

The maximum possible sum for the given array would be 14. Because if we select one of the 3’s from the array, then one 3 and all occurrences of (3-1) and (3+1) i.e 2 and 4 will be deleted from the array. Now we left with {3,3,5} elements in the array. Then again we select 3 in the next two steps and in both steps 3 will be deleted also (3-1) and (3+1) doesn't exist in the array so nothing extra to delete in both steps. Now we left with only {5} and in the next step, we select the 5 and delete it. Then the array becomes empty. Thus the sum of selected elements will be 3+3+3+5 = 14.

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3. Rearrange the array

15m average time
90% success
Asked in companies
AdobeMicrosoftThought Works

You are given an array/list 'NUM' of integers. You are supposed to rearrange the elements of the given 'NUM' so that after rearranging the given array/list there are no two adjacent elements present in the rearranged 'NUM' which will be the same.

For example:
Input: NUM[] = {1,1,1,2,2,2} 
Output: {1,2,1,2,1,2}
Note: {2,1,2,1,2,1} is also valid because there are no two adjacent which are the same.
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Face to Face
Duration40 minutes
Interview date10 Aug 2017
Coding problem2

The interview started of with questions about the online test, general questions on “tell me about yourself”
Then he asked me a relative velocity problem from physics section to warm things up.
It was Followed by discussion on topics taught in college, Questions on OS and DBMS.

1. Ways to reach nth stair

30m average time
80% success
Asked in companies
InfosysTata Consultancy Services (TCS)Amazon

You have been given a number of stairs. Initially, you are at the 0th stair, and you need to reach the Nth stair.

Each time, you can climb either one step or two steps.

You are supposed to return the number of distinct ways you can climb from the 0th step to the Nth step.

Example :


We can climb one step at a time i.e. {(0, 1) ,(1, 2),(2,3)} or we can climb the first two-step and then one step i.e. {(0,2),(1, 3)} or we can climb first one step and then two step i.e. {(0,1), (1,3)}.
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2. Level Order traversal of binary tree

15m average time
85% success
Asked in companies
MicrosoftDeutsche BankFlipkart

You have been given a Binary Tree of integers. You are supposed to return the level order traversal of the given tree.

For example:
For the given binary tree


The level order traversal will be {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}.
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Face to Face
Duration50 minutes
Interview date10 Aug 2017
Coding problem4

The interviewer asked about my project – the idea of the project, the challenges I faced etc. She also asked some OS concepts like CPU scheduling, multi-queue scheduling, mutex, deadlocks.

1. Left view of binary tree

30m average time
60% success
Asked in companies
MicrosoftSalesforceJP Morgan

You have been given a Binary Tree of 'n' nodes, where the nodes have integer values

Example :
If the input tree is as depicted in the picture: 

alt text

The Left View of the tree will be:  2 35 2 
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2. Top view of binary tree

42m average time
61% success
Asked in companies

Given a binary tree. Print the Top View of Binary Tree. Print the nodes from left to right order.


Alt text

Output: 2 35 2 10 2
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3. System Design

Design a system where i can store incoming stream of chars in sorted manner and to answer a query whether a char is present or not.

Problem approach

Tip 1: Strong grasp on Heaps
Tip 2: Ask questions if you are not sure
Tip 3: Design a basic HLD with use case scenarios.

4. Mutex Puzzles

She then Asked me Various Mutex related puzzles like “IF you have adobe acrobat and you want to allow only 1 instance of it to run at a time, how will you achieve this wrt to OS involved.”
I answered that we can do it using mutex and discuss various problems related to mutex.
She then asked me “Can we make sure that dynamic Allocation of a class object can be done on stack only or can we stop user from dynamically allocating the class object.”
I answered that we can do it by overloading the new operator and declaring it as private.

Face to Face
Duration90 minutes
Interview date10 Aug 2017
Coding problem0

In third interview round, the interviewer deep-dived in my projects. 

She asked me about types of machine learning algorithms. Asked me to explain supervised and unsupervised algorithms. She asked what is my favourite subject and also discussed all of the projects I mentioned in my resume.
It was followed by system design problems on some Android App and Web App, how will you make it, technologies and data structures to be used.
She then asked me about various caches, advantages, and implementations. Then I was asked about the LRU cache and it was a very long discussion on the implementation part, Data structures part. I was asked to code LRU, Hash map and double-linked list.
The interview was very long, and the Interviewer was very frank. At the end, there are some general questions about why Adobe. etc. and we talked about the culture and opportunities one can get at Adobe.

HR Round
Duration30 minutes
Interview date10 Aug 2017
Coding problem1

Basic HR questions and discussion about college life etc.

1. Basic HR Questions

Why do you want to join Adobe were asked?
Will you take a bribe for a million-dollar project?
What if you were the MD of Adobe for one day?

Face to Face
Duration25 minutes
Interview date10 Aug 2017
Coding problem0

Rapid Fire Round

Surprisingly, 4 candidates for shortlisted for HR round and only I was called for the rapid fire round, after the HR round. 

He asked me quick coding questions and function implementations. The questions were very easy and he wanted to have user oriented result so that user can call the functions according to his need.

Followed by simple OS theory questions.
He then asked me ” Explain In Detail what OS does when you compile a program with a line ‘fopen(….)'”
I answered it and explained in detail about user and kernel mode the OS operates and detail working.

Unfortunately, out of 4, 3 were selected and i was rejected .
Tip: Make sure to get OS concepts clear and maintain a good aggregate in college.

Here's your problem of the day

Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company

Skill covered: Programming

Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?

Choose another skill to practice
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