Tip 1: Practice problems on coding platforms and participate in contests.
Tip 2: Only solve quality problems; avoid unnecessary questions.
Tip 3: Don’t move on to other topics until your DSA is strong, and only list the topics you've mastered on your resume.
Tip 1: Quantify the impact of your internship/FTE projects in numbers.
Tip 2: Don’t include false information on your resume.
There was a 7-day window, and it included 2 DSA questions. Only coding questions were provided.
It was a medium-level question from the Striver sheet. I passed all the test cases, and the question wasn't too difficult.
It was somewhat difficult. The topic was graphs. I passed all the test cases, and the questions were familiar.
Two DSA problems were asked. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and discuss my internship experience. They expected me to align my answers with their leadership principles, which are very important for interviews at Amazon.
1. You can assume that all the meetings will happen on the same day.
2. Also, as soon as a meeting gets over if some other meeting is scheduled to start at that moment, they can then be allocated that room.
Try to solve the problem in linear time complexity.
Consider there are three meetings scheduled with timings:
1pm - 4pm
3pm - 5pm
4pm - 6pm
At the start of time, meeting 1 will be allotted room 1, which will be occupied till 4 pm hence for meeting 2 we’ll have to provide another room. At 4 pm, meeting 3 can be organized in room 1 because by that time, meeting 1 would have ended. Hence we’ll require two rooms for holding all three meetings.
If the given matrix is:
[ [1, 2, 5],
[3, 4, 9],
[6, 7, 10]]
We have to find the position of 4. We will return {1,1} since A[1][1] = 4.
Tip 1: This is also from Striver sheet
Tip 2: I used searching and the standard algorithm for solving this question
Two DSA problems were asked. The interviewer requested that I introduce myself and discuss my internship experience. They expected me to frame my answers in terms of their leadership principles, which are very important for interviews at Amazon.
If edges[i][j] = 1, that implies there is a bi-directional edge between ‘i’ and ‘j’, that means there exists both edges from ‘i’ to ‘j’ and to ‘j’ to ‘i’.
‘N’ = 3
‘edges’ = [[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0,0,0]].
Tip 1: I solved the problem using dfs.
Two DSA problems were asked. The interviewer requested that I introduce myself and discuss my internship experience. They expected me to answer in terms of their leadership principles, which are very important for interviews at Amazon.
1. If the list is empty, the function immediately returns None because there is no middle node to find.
2. If the list has only one node, then the only node in the list is trivially the middle node, and the function returns that node.
Tip 1:Explained the brute force approach and coded the most optimized one.
You can’t sell without buying first.
For the given array [ 2, 100, 150, 120],
The maximum profit can be achieved by buying the stock at minute 0 when its price is Rs. 2 and selling it at minute 2 when its price is Rs. 150.
So, the output will be 148.
Tip 1: The solution is in the striver playlist.
They asked questions about my projects, and internship experience also some behavioural questions were asked.
Tip 1: Just be honest, don't lie for anything.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?