Tip 1 : Practice ds and algo
Tip 2 : Be confident
Tip 3 : Speak out loud and Be clear
Tip 1 : Mention only what you know
Tip 2 : Having Cp ranks is a plus
Debugging: This section had 7 debugging problems, which consist of code snippets that have some logical error that needs to be rectified.
Reasoning Ability: This section consists of some verbal reasoning questions and some aptitude questions.
Coding: This section consists of 2 coding problems.
If the given matrix is:
[ [1, 2, 5],
[3, 4, 9],
[6, 7, 10]]
We have to find the position of 4. We will return {1,1} since A[1][1] = 4.
The idea is to remove a row or column in each comparison until an element is found. Start searching from the top-right corner of the matrix.
Insert a new node after every node with same value
Make a copy
Separate the two lists
Around 30 candidates were shortlisted from my campus and over 150+ candidates were shortlisted from the university, and I was one of them. Then my first round of interviews was scheduled. I was pretty nervous before the interview.
If we make sure that all even positioned (at index 0, 2, 4, ..) elements are greater than their adjacent odd elements, we don’t need to worry about odd positioned element.
A strict binary tree is a tree where each node has either 0 or 2 children.
I used the properties of preorder
I used Recursion
I used HashMap for optimization
My interviewer introduced himself in the beginning and asked for my introduction.
If the dictionary consists of the following words:-
["caa", "aaa", "aab"], and 'K' is 3.
Then, the order of the alphabet is -
['c', 'a', 'b']
If the language consists of four letters, the four letters should be the starting four letters of the English language.
However, their order might differ in the alien language.
Create a graph
Traverse the two strings at a time, for forming an edge
Finally do Topological Sort
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?