Tip 1 : Practice medium level questions properly
Tip 2 : Low-level and high-level system design is very important
Tip 3 : Always make notes of core subjects like DBMS, OS, CN beforehand to be able to revise before interviews
Tip 1 : Write the technology about which you know in detail and can discuss pros and cons of using it.
Tip 2 : Prepare your resume well and add 2 good projects for project discussion with good readme file on github.
The assessment consisted of four components, a code debugging section (20 minutes), a coding test (70 minutes), a workstyles assessment (20 minutes), and a reasoning ability section (35 minutes). The coding environment is very user-friendly and easy to use.
Right rotation on a matrix is shifting each column to the right side (the last column moves to the first column) and 'K' times means performing this rotation 'K' times.
For 'K' = 1 and the given 'MAT':
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Output after rotating 'MAT' one time is:
3 1 2
6 4 5
9 7 8
For a given string “BaaB”
3 possible palindrome partitioning of the given string are:
{“B”, “a”, “a”, “B”}
{“B”, “aa”, “B”}
Every substring of all the above partitions of “BaaB” is a palindrome.
The online round was held on the Amazon Chime platform. The interviewer was very friendly and eager to know what I was thinking for every problem which he asked and always tried to make me speak up my thoughts and approach for solving the specific problem and understand my point too.
Let's say the given array is [ 9, 98, 7].
All the possible numbers formed by concatenating each of the array elements are 7989,7998,9879,9897,9987,9798. Among the six numbers, 9987 is the greatest number. Hence the answer is 9987.
Here, sorted paths mean that the expected output should be in alphabetical order.
Given a square matrix of size 4*4 (i.e. here 'N' = 4):
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
Expected Output:
i.e. Path-1: DDRDRR and Path-2: DRDDRR
The rat can reach the destination at (3, 3) from (0, 0) by two paths, i.e. DRDDRR and DDRDRR when printed in sorted order, we get DDRDRR DRDDRR.
The online round was held on the Amazon Chime platform. The interviewer was very friendly and eager to know what I was thinking for every problem which he asked and always tried to make me speak up my thoughts and approach for solving the specific problem and understand my point too.
Infix notation is a method of writing mathematical expressions in which operators are placed between operands.
For example, "3 + 4" represents the addition of 3 and 4.
Postfix notation is a method of writing mathematical expressions in which operators are placed after the operands.
For example, "3 4 +" represents the addition of 3 and 4.
Expression contains digits, lower case English letters, ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘^’.
Input: exp = ‘3+4*8’
Output: 348*+
Here multiplication is performed first and then the addition operation. Hence postfix expression is 3 4 8 * +.
For the given binary tree
The level order traversal will be {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}.
The online round was held on the Amazon Chime platform. The interviewer was very friendly and eager to know what I was thinking for every problem which he asked and always tried to make me speak up my thoughts and approach for solving the specific problem and understand my point too.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Suppose list1 is [2, 133, 12, 12], what is max(list1) in Python?