Tip 1 : Be focused, Don't give up when you are not able to solve questions.
Tip 2 : Be Consistent. Solve Questions Everyday. And I mean Everyday. [ No Excuses ]
Tip 3 :Start with Basics First , Don't try to Wow the interview with your cool ML Implementation. If you don't know the math behind it.
Tip 4: Have at least one project that's End to End . And Go Deep in that project.
Tip 1 : Don't Mention ton of languages in which you have written hello world in. Trust me It wont help. Mention only those which you know well enough.
Tip 2 : This one is my personal opinion not everyone agrees with it! but here it goes. Give more emphasis to you projects and work-experience than academics.
Tip 3 : Have a well maintained and updated GitHub / LinkedIn profile
Timing: Late Evening [6:30pm]
Google Meet
The interviewer was my to be Manager.
How the Allocation happens in database ? While in Runtime and in compile time.
Tip 1: Don't Forget fundamentals !
Tip 2: It's about dynamic allocation and static allocation.
Where does the dynamic allocation store data ? And where does static allocation store data ? Discuss the pros and cons of both.
Tip 1: Dynamic Allocation -> Heaps , Static Allocation -> Stacks
1. 'K' should be strictly greater than 'N'.
2. 'K' should contain at most 1 non-zero digit.
3. Difference between 'N' and 'K' should be minimum.
Consider the number 546. The closest number greater than 546 that contains at most 1 non-zero digit is 600.
Step 1: the first Solution is obviously brute force! increment the counter from N till we get the digit which has all 0 except one non zero.
But this question was not asked for this solution.
Step 2: the more efficient solution would be :
1. Get the no digits in the Number. [Lets say 'x']
2. then find use this formule to find the smallest no in that x digit : 10^(x-1) [Lets say 'y']
3. Then find the diffrence between y and number : lets say 'z'
4. then result would be = Number - z + y
Step 3: But the best solution would be very very simple;
1. Increment the first digit to + 1 [Lets say number is 930 then make it 1030]
2. Make all the rest numbers 0.
The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then the reverse linked list is 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> NULL and the head of the reversed linked list will be 4.
Can you solve this problem in O(N) time and O(1) space complexity?
I knew the code since i practised it 100s of times before !
Soln: [Most efficent one]
reverseLL(N* curr, N* prev, N** head) {
if (!curr->next) {
*head = curr;
curr->next = prev;
N* next = curr->next;
curr->next = prev;
reverseLL(next, curr, head);
Tip 1: First make simple Api Endpoints
Tip 2: Add expected response
Tip 3: Learn About Redis [Cache management server]
Tip 4: At last go into jest [unit testing]
Nothing Much ! Just Salary negotiations and Discussion about joining date.
Tip 1: I said I need atleast 20% more than what i am currently expected to get at my current job.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?