Tip 1 : Focus on building your problem-solving skills.
Tip 2 : Do not ignore the CSE core subject and projects.
Tip 3 : Give mock interviews so that you can communicate effectively in the interview.
Tip 1 : Keep it short and crisp
Tip 2 : Make your resume according to the job requirement
Tip 3 : Don't add fake projects etc
Tip 4 : Have 1-2 descent project in your resume
The interview was scheduled for 10 am in the morning.
It started with a coding question related to Dynamic Programming Paradigm.
Then we further discussed the various data structures & algorithms and graph theory.
It was a mix of coding questions and theoretical concepts.
The interviewer was very nice and wanted to listen to various approaches that I gave.
Can you solve the problem in O(N) time?
1. Brute force
2. Optimised it using Dynamic Programming
3. Edge cases
What is a BST, what are other types of trees?
Theoretical questions based on the Graph data structure.
Where graph traversals algorithms are used?
Tell about different traversal algorithms and write the order of printing of nodes.
Have clear concepts.
The interview included 2 coding questions and questions based on CSE core subjects.
The interview began with a question related to Linked List. After doing that I was asked many questions on CSE core concepts.
Then at last one more coding question was asked.
In the given linked list, there is a cycle, hence we return true.
1. It was a standard question so I told the approach
2. Wrote the code and checked the edge cases
If the input string is "abbc", then all the possible palindromic substrings would be: ["a", "b", "b", c", "bb"] and hence, the output will be 5 since we have 5 substrings in total which form a palindrome.
A string is said to be a 'Palindrome' if it is read the same forwards and backwards.
For example, “abba” is a palindrome, but “abbc” is not.
A 'Substring' is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string.
For example, "a", "b", "c", "ab", "bc", "abc" are substrings of "abc".
1. Brute Force
2. Optimised it using DP
3. Edge cases
Write a SQL query: Employee and department table is given you need to find the salary of employees in each department
Which databases have you used?
Difference between SQL and NoSQL? (Learn)
What is the CAP theorem?
Tip 1 : Practice writing SQL queries
Tip 2 : Make a note of all DBMS imp concepts and most common interview questions
Tip 3 : Before the interview, go through last moment notes om GFG
- Switch vs Hub
- Which data structure is used in switches?
- TCP vs UDP
Tip 1 : Read mostly asked interview questions from Geeks for Geeks before interviews
It was a technical+HR round with a senior member.
It was a discussion based on data structures.
Map data-structure was discussed a lot then a few questions related to my projects and some HR questions.
1. Asked about the previous rounds.
2. Favourite programming language?
4. How hashing is done in maps?
5. What is the Hash function? What will happen if a hash function returns 1 always?
6. Difference between a map and an unordered map?
The interviewer discussed a lot about map data structure.
7. Discussed the automation project which was mentioned in my resume.
8. What are the challenges that you've faced till now?
9. What technology you've worked on? Why you choose Django? What is ORM?
10. Which databases have you used? Where have you used it?
Tip 1 : Have a clear understanding of the internal implementation of data structures
Tip 2 : Know your projects and tech used
Tip 3 : Research a bit about the company
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What does ROLLBACK do in DBMS?