Tip 1 : Participate in live contests on websites like Codechef, Codeforces etc as much as possible.
Tip 2 : Practice previous interview questions from LeetCode, GeeksForGeeks.
Tip 3 : Revise Computer Science subjects like DBMS, OOPS thoroughly.
Tip 4 : Do practice a lot of data structures questions as mostly questions in interviews are based on them
Tip 1 : Add projects and Internships if you have done any and add only those things which you really know.
Tip 2 : Highlight most important skills and points in your resume
Tip 3 : Provide certificate of only important things
This was MCQ+Coding round.
Anagrams are defined as words or names that can be formed by rearranging the letters of another word. Such as "spar" can be formed by rearranging letters of "rasp". Hence, "spar" and "rasp" are anagrams.
'triangle' and 'integral'
'listen' and 'silent'
Since it is a binary problem, there is no partial marking. Marks will only be awarded if you get all the test cases correct.
This was face to face interview round.
If the given string is 56789, then the next greater number is 56798. Note that although 56790 is also greater than the given number it contains 1 '0' which is not in the original number and also it does not contain the digit '8'.
The given string is non-empty.
If the answer does not exist, then return -1.
The given number does not contain any leading zeros.
'G': it means that the robot will move 1 unit in the direction it is facing.
'L': it means that the robot will move 90 degrees towards its left. For example, if the robot is facing north and it has to make an ‘L’ move, then it will start facing the west direction.
'R': it means the robot will move 90 degrees towards its right. For example, if the robot is facing north and it has to make an ‘R’ move then it will start facing the east direction.
This round is basically on zoom meet .
Introduce yourself
Reviews about company
Why you wanna join this company
Tell us your weakness and strength
Tip 1 : do not lie
Tip 2 : be confident and have some good communication
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which is a DDL command in SQL?