Try to do as much as Data structures related questions as practice made a man perfect. If you have already done similar types of questions then you will get a solution approach very fastly during the interview. Also, Coding ninjas have a big hand in making my selection.
Keep resume short and up to the point and try to keep it on a single page.
This round consist of 2 coding questions and they were of good level based on strings and dynamic programming.
Return the length of the longest substring consisting of unique characters.
eg: abcabcdb ------> 4 4 corresponds to abcd
aaaaaxxxxxxwyzzzzzxxxxx ------> 4 4 corresponds to xwyz
Given an arithmetic expression containing '+', '-', '*' operators, generate a string by placing parenthesis in the given expression which will return the the maximum possible value of that expression.
eg: I/p -------> 8+4*2 O/p ------> ((8+4)*2) corresponding to a max value of 24
I/p -------> 5-8+7*4-8*9 O/p ------> (5 - ((8 + 7)*(4 - (8*9)))) corresponding to a max value of 1025.
I solved this question using recursion by putting bracket at all possible places and evaluate the answer through recursion and found the maximum out of them.
Given a Binary Tree, print left view of it. The left view of a Binary Tree is set of nodes visible when the tree is visited from the left side.
I did level order traversal and then printed the first element of each level.
Suggest the best way to get the minimum (at any point of time) from a bag in which numbers are being inserted and removed continuously.
Given an undirected graph, find the Minimum Spanning Tree.
I explained Kruskal’s algorithm to find the Minimum spanning tree with an example of a graph. He was satisfied by my approach and gave a smile through which I got the idea that I will be selected for the company.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?