Cisco interview experience Real time questions & tips from candidates to crack your interview

Software Developer

5 rounds | 16 Coding problems

Interview preparation journey

I have completed my Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. I applied two months ago, and after one month, I received a notification that my resume was selected and that the first round of exams would take place on a specific date. I prepared for the exam using Coding Ninja's YouTube videos for aptitude and coding, which helped me a lot. After completing the first round, I was informed, about 2-3 weeks later, that I had been selected for the second round. This time, I focused more on pseudocodes, coding, and data structures and algorithms (DSA). Eventually, the second round took place, and I successfully cleared it. Afterward, I received an email for the interview. The interview was scheduled for 9:00 AM, but the interviewer arrived at 11:00 AM and it continued until 1:00 PM. He asked in-depth questions about my resume, covering every point. I was asked to explain the codes, pseudocodes, and other details. After that, I had the managerial and HR rounds. Unfortunately, I was not selected after the HR round. However, I am taking this as a challenge and am confident that with the help of Coding Ninjas, I will secure a position at a good product company.
Application story
I applied through LinkedIn during my college days. After three months, I received the details for Round 1, and that's where my journey began.
Why selected/rejected for the role?
I am not clear on which projects I made silly mistakes that led to my termination. During the interview, my computer wasn't working, and I didn't notice it. After that, I used my friend's computer to continue the interview. Due to this, I forgot my Bluetooth in the room when I went outside. The interviewer came and introduced himself, but I couldn't hear him. As a result, I joined 15 minutes late and didn't apologize to the interviewer, which was my first mistake. Then, he asked more questions about the projects. I had a clear understanding of my role and what I had done, but he kept asking more and more detailed questions, and I wasn’t sure of the answers. This led to my rejection.
Duration: 6 months
Topics: Java Full Stack, Python Full Stack, Web Development, DSA, SQL, Aptitude

Tip 1: Be consistent.

Tip 2: Prepare daily.

Tip 3: Focus more on problem-solving.

Application process
Where: Linkedin
Eligibility: B.Tech (Salary: 6 LPA)
Resume Tip
Resume tip

Tip 1: Don't include clumsy details or things that could irritate the interviewer. Using a simple font will help make a good impression.
Tip 2: Include only what you truly know on your resume.
Tip 3: Use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) when creating your resume.

Interview rounds

Online Coding Interview
Duration90 minutes
Interview date15 Jun 2023
Coding problem3

MCQs and pseudocode on Aptitude, C++, and Java.

1. Aptitude Question

The train is coming this way, and this train is going in the opposite direction. At what time will they meet?

2. Binary Search

15m average time
85% success
Asked in companies
OraclePaytm (One97 Communications Limited)Cisco

BinarySearch(ARR, X, LOW, HIGH)
repeat till LOW = HIGH
MID = (LOW + HIGH)/2
if (X == ARR[mid])
return MID

else if (x > ARR[MID]) 
LOW = MID + 1

HIGH = MID – 1

Problem approach

Prepare Basic Algorithms

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3. Pseudocode Question

Integer x, y 
Set x = 15, y = 12 
y = x – 1 
Print x 
x = y + (x – 2) 

while(x < 40) 
end do while
What is output of this code

Problem approach

Firstly, variables x and y are initialized. Then, x and y are assigned the values 15 and 12, respectively. Next, y is assigned the value of x - 1. Then, print the value of x, which is 15. The do-while loop runs until x is less than 40. Inside the loop, x is updated with the value of y + x - 2, and then x is printed. The order in which the value of x changes is as follows: 15, then 27 (14 + 15 - 2), then 39 (14 + 27 - 2), then 51 (14 + 39 - 2), and finally, the do-while loop terminates.

Online Coding Test
Duration60 minutes
Interview date12 Jul 2023
Coding problem3

Given three questions on coding.

1. Reverse Linked List

15m average time
85% success
Asked in companies
GE (General Electric)Tata 1mgFreshworks

Given a singly linked list of integers. Your task is to return the head of the reversed linked list.

For example:
The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then the reverse linked list is 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> NULL and the head of the reversed linked list will be 4.
Follow Up :
Can you solve this problem in O(N) time and O(1) space complexity?
Problem approach

The idea is to reverse the links of all nodes using three pointers: 

prev: pointer to keep track of the previous node
curr: pointer to keep track of the current node 
next: pointer to keep track of the next node
Starting from the first node, initialize curr with the head of linked list and next with the next node of curr. Update the next pointer of curr with prev. Finally, move the three pointer by updating prev with curr and curr with next.

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2. Basic Networking Question

What is CCNA?
What is packet? (Learn)

3. Nth Number

50m average time
40% success
Asked in companies

In a series of numbers where each number is such that the sum of its digits equals 10. Given an integer value 'N', your task is to find the N-th positive integer whose sum of digits equals to 10.

Problem approach

Tip 1: Do problems on the Coding Ninjas platform.

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Face to Face
Duration120 minutes
Interview date3 Aug 2023
Coding problem4

I was asked to introduce myself, share my screen, and write code in various languages mentioned in my resume. I was also asked SQL queries and some aptitude problems.

1. N-th Fibonacci Number

40m average time
70% success
Asked in companies
AmazonWalmartTata Consultancy Services (TCS)

You are given an integer ‘N’, your task is to find and return the N’th Fibonacci number using matrix exponentiation.

Since the answer can be very large, return the answer modulo 10^9 +7.

Fibonacci number is calculated using the following formula:
F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2), 
Where, F(1) = F(2) = 1.
For Example:
For ‘N’ = 5, the output will be 5.
Problem approach

Use recursion to solve this problem because any Fibonacci number nnn depends on the previous two Fibonacci numbers. Therefore, this approach repeatedly breaks down the problem until it reaches the base cases.

Recurrence relation:

Base case: F(n)=nF(n) = nF(n)=n, when n=0n = 0n=0 or n=1n = 1n=1 Recursive case: F(n)=F(n−1)+F(n−2)F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)F(n)=F(n−1)+F(n−2) for n>1n > 1n>1

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2. Find prime numbers

15m average time
80% success
Asked in companies
OracleMcAfeeGoldman Sachs

Prime Number Program

Problem approach

The idea to solve this problem is to iterate through all the numbers starting from 2 up to (N/2) using a for loop. For each number, we check if it divides N. If we find any number that divides N, we return false. If we do not find any number between 2 and N/2 that divides N, it means N is prime, and we will return true.

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3. SQL Query

Write an SQL query to retrieve the OrderID, CustomerName, and OrderDate from the Orders and Customers tables. The query should display only the records where there is a match between the CustomerID in both tables using an INNER JOIN.

Problem approach

Tip 1: The concept of Joins is a must.

4. SQL Query

Write an SQL query to retrieve the ProductID, ProductName, and CategoryName from the "Products" and "Categories" tables, where the "CategoryID" matches in both tables.



Problem approach

SELECT ProductID, ProductName, CategoryName
FROM Products
INNER JOIN Categories ON Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID;

Tip 1: Basic concepts must be clear.

HR Round
Duration50 minutes
Interview date3 Aug 2023
Coding problem3

More about projects and company-based questions.

1. Project Question

What is your project and how many test cases has it passed?

2. HR Question

Why Cisco, what our company will do? And questions about the agreement were asked.

3. Project Question

My project is on the IR sensor. Actually, my project focuses on preventing accidents at U-turns by using the IR sensor to indicate the opposite side. He asked, 'When you are implementing this in a public place where there are four sides, and vehicles are coming from all four directions, what will you do?'

Problem approach

Tip 1: Be confident in the projects.

HR Round
Duration30 minutes
Interview date3 Aug 2023
Coding problem3

HR round questions

1. HR Question

Asked about the company.

Problem approach

Tip 1: Be prepared for HR questions.

2. HR Question

Seven people can complete the work in seven minutes. If eleven people do the work, in how much time will it be completed?

Problem approach

Tip 1: See logic-based questions.

3. HR Question

How would you cope with a situation in which you realize you made a serious error at work?

Problem approach

Tip 1: Be prepared for HR questions.

Here's your problem of the day

Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company

Skill covered: Programming

Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?

Choose another skill to practice
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