Tip 1 : Prepare your resume well.
Tip 2 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume.
Tip 3 : Be thorough with Data Structures and Algorithms. Also prepare well topics such as OS,DBMS.
Tip 1 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also, provide a hyperlink on your resume
Tip 2 : It's not important to have fancy projects. Only mention those on which you're confident.
You have been given a long type array/list 'ARR' of size 'N'. It represents an elevation map wherein 'ARR[i]' denotes the elevation of the 'ith' bar. Print the total amount of rainwater that can be trapped in these elevations.
You are given an array consisting of N positive integers, and your task is to sort the array in decreasing order of count of set bits in the binary representation of the integers present in the array.
In other words, you have to modify the array such that an integer with more number of set bits should appear before the integer which has lesser number of set bits in its binary representation....
You are given a string 'S' containing dots(.) and asterisks(*) only, where the dot represents free spaces, and the asterisk denotes lamps. A lamp can lighten up its own cell as well as its immediate neighboring cells. You need to determine the minimum number of extra lamps that have to be installed at some free spaces in the string so that the whole string will be illuminated i.e. all the indic...
Tell me about yourself.
Why do you want to work for our company?
What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What is the result of 4 % 2?