Tip 1 : Practice and prepare for at least popular topics asked in aptitude section.
Tip 2 : Know for which position you are applying and prepare for subjects related to your position.
Tip 1 : Do mention 2-3 projects which have made yourself and you know every aspect of it, so you can give better explanation and reply to counter questions.
Tip 2 : Mention at least 1 technical internship you have done.
Tip 3 : Professional certificates and some management experience of college events provides extra value to your resume.
Tip 4 : Please don't put false things in your resume.
This was a common round for all the applied profile students. First, they asked some aptitude and logical questions. Then based on your profile questions will vary. The timing was 10 AM to 12 PM. The environment was good. MCQs were asked
Aptitude and logic: probability, time and work, percentage, etc. (30 questions)
Verbal: grammar, synonyms, antonyms, sentence formation, etc. (15 questions)
OS and networking (15 question)
Based on your profile and resume questions will be asked.
Two questions were asked from operating systems.
1. Which are your favorite 5 commands?
2. How to check for CPU utilization?
Tip 1 : Go through basic and some advanced commands of Linux
Tip 2 : Know why and when which option of command will be used
Four Questions were asked: -
1. What is cloud computing and why we need it?
2. Explain region and zone with example.
3. What are security groups in AWS and how they work?
4. Which services of AWS you are aware of? Explain them.
Tip 1 : First cover the cloud computing basics.
Tip 2 : Know some of the most used services and their practical scenario.
Here they will be asking questions from the things you have mentioned in resume like projects, internship work etc.
Tip 1 : Don't put things off which you are not aware.
Tip 2 : Try to explain with problem and use-case of the project.
Here you will be asked more in-depth questions and will be judged by the approach to solve the question. Mostly puzzles and aptitude questions were asked.
Here company HR will be try to assess your behavior from the questions asked. Also will ask about some company details.
Tip 1 : Prepare for most common HR questions from YouTube.
Tip 2 : Don't brag here, if you are not good at it then simply say no.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?