Tip 1 : Have some understanding of Competitive Programming
Tip 2 : Be well versed in Operating systems and other theory subjects
Tip 3 : Always speak out your approach out load and discuss with interviewer before coding
Tip 1 : Have some good projects that match with job responsibility
Tip 2 : Mention Competitive Programming only if you are well versed in it. Else they will ask competitive questions.
There were 3 coding questios in this round, one of each category - Easy, Medium and Hard. I only remember 1.
It was a face-to-face interview. The interviewer was very nice and helpful. She only asked me 3 DS questions and did not ask any theoretical questions in this round.
In the above image, areas in green, red, and violet color are all submatrices of the original 4x4 matrix.
1. Binary valued matrix has only two values in each cell : 0 and 1.
2. A submatrix is a matrix formed by selecting certain rows and columns from a larger matrix.
3. The area of a matrix with 'h' rows and 'w' columns is equal to 'h' * 'w'.
Step 1: Using dynamic programming, at every index store the side length of the maximum square whose bottom right corner is the cell with index (i,j) in the original matrix.
Step 2: In this way, we traverse the original matrix once and find out the required maximum size
Design a Parking System that returns the number of cars that are parked in the area, given maximum n cars can be parked at one time.
Tip 1 : Create seperate functions for arrival, departure and to get the number of cards parked at that time.
Tip 2 : Make sure departure is not more than arrival.
Tip 3 : Store in a list, the cars that arrive if all the slots are filled.
It was a theoretical round. I was asked questions related to core-subjects and also questions related to my resume.
Explain how Semaphores Work. What are the conditions for a system to be in deadlock?
Tip 1 : Explain slowly and clearly
Tip 2 : If you do not know the answer, say it clearly instead of making wild guessed
Tip 3 : Go through the Deadlock and Semaphore parts in OS properly. They are asked a lot in interviews.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
How do you create a function in JavaScript?