Tip 1 : Have complete understanding of your Resume.
Tip 2 : Show learning attitude.
Tip 3 : prepare system design questions (LLD & HLD).
Tip 1 : Skills should be aligned to the position for you have applied.
Tip 2 : keep it in one page
Make a drawing application to draw on mobile device and store it on the server.
Suppose given ‘BILL_ARR’ array is { 5, 5, 5, 10, 20 } so we return ‘True’ for this test case as from first ‘3’ customers we take ‘5$’ from each customer then ‘4th’ customer give ‘10$’ we give him ‘5$’ back now we have ‘2’, ‘5$’ note and ‘1’, ‘10$’ note than ‘5th’ customer give ‘20$’ so we give him back one ‘10$’ and one ‘5$’ note.
If two words have the same frequency then the lexicographically smallest word should come first in your answer.
Can you solve it in O(N * logK) time and O(N) extra space?
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
How do you write a single-line comment in C++?