Tip 1 : Be solid with the basics of Ds & Algorithms. Good to have end to end projects which are hosted on cloud.
Tip 2 : Its always good to be presentable and have good communications skills
Tip 3 : Be honest, clear in approach and always walkthrough your thought process to the interviewer
Tip 1: Mention your projects and experience at the top. Be clear on what was done, a brief on how it was done, language /tech stack involved. If possible try to host and make it accessible. You never know if you can present it with just one click.
Tip 2: Choose a balance between, white spaces and text, it should be well indented, no grammatical errors.
Tip 3: It takes less than 2 min to scan a resume. Don't mention things which are irrelevant.
This was the online round held at university. All students who met the eligibility criteria were called for the online test on hackerrank.
An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase. We can generalise this in string processing by saying that an anagram of a string is another string with the same quantity of each character in it, in any order.
String “eat” and “ate” are anagram to each other but string “buy” and “bye” are not.
Using the hash map we can solve this problem in O(n) time.
Understand the recursion calls.
1.) if x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 return true.
2.) if x1 > x2 || y1 > y2 return false
Recursive calls.
1. return function(x1+y1, y1, x2, y2) || function(x1, y1+x1, x2, y2)
This round was technical round and the interview started with formal introduction and general questions.
After that We had a discussion on LRU Cache.
Followed by coding and set of data structure questions.
An efficient approach is to use a Queue to store the current tour. We first enqueue first petrol pump to the queue, we keep enqueueing petrol pumps till we either complete the tour, or the current amount of petrol becomes negative. If the amount becomes negative, then we keep dequeuing petrol pumps until the queue becomes empty.
This Round was DS and Algo round and it started with formal introduction, followed by 2 problems. We first dicussed the approach the time complexity and proper code covering all cases.
Input: Consider the binary tree A as shown in the figure:
Output: [10, 5, 3, 7, 18, 25, 20]
Explanation: As shown in the figure
The nodes on the left boundary are [10, 5, 3]
The nodes on the right boundary are [10, 20, 25]
The leaf nodes are [3, 7, 18, 25].
Please note that nodes 3 and 25 appear in two places but are considered once.
A standard Trees problem.
Start with the pseudo code, basic dry run of the algorithm and then code the recursion approach.
We break the problem in 3 parts:
1. Print the left boundary in top-down manner.
2. Print all leaf nodes from left to right, which can again be sub-divided into two sub-parts:
…..2.1 Print all leaf nodes of left sub-tree from left to right.
…..2.2 Print all leaf nodes of right subtree from left to right.
3. Print the right boundary in bottom-up manner.
If you are given ARR = [2, 5, 1, 2, 7, 3, 0] and K = 2, the output is 17.
We can choose non-overlapping subarrays [2, 5] and [7, 3] to get a total sum of 17 (i.e. 2 + 5 + 7 + 3) which is the maximum possible sum.
Can be done by first calculating the max sum and then the min sum and calculating the difference at each position.
This was the Final Interview and it started with formal introduction and general HR questions. Then We discussed about the projects and the things written in my resume. The interviewer was very frank and this round was very interactive. He asked me about my college, my future plans, teachers, various subjects, why Expedia and questions like that.
Tip 1: The cross questioning can go intense some time, think before you speak.
Tip 2: Be open minded and answer whatever you are thinking, in these rounds I feel it is important to have opinion.
Tip 3: Context of questions can be switched, pay attention to the details. It is okay to ask questions in these round, like what are the projects currently the company is investing, which team you are mentoring. How all is the work environment etc.
Tip 4: Since everybody in the interview panel is from tech background, here too you can expect some technical questions. No coding in most of the cases but some discussions over the design can surely happen.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
How do you write a single-line comment in C++?