Tip 1 : Go through the previously asked problems
Tip 2 : Make some good projects
Tip 3 : Prefer solving the 450 questions sheet from love babbar which is also available on codestudio.
Tip 1 : Attach your resume to linkedin profile, several recruiters are always looking for hiring
Tip 2 : Mention your projects carefully in resume
Tip 3 : Be prepared for cross questioning based on skills in your resume
This round had 2 coding questions. In both of them, You need to implement those functions such that it returns the correct answer based on what the problem is about.
1. All the elements are in the range 0 to N - 1.
2. The elements may not be in sorted order.
3. You can return the duplicate elements in any order.
4. If there are no duplicates present then return an empty array.
The input strings consist of digits and dots only and both the strings are started and terminated by a digit. There are no leading zeros and no zeros following a dot in both the strings except in the case of zero itself.
Version1 = “1.23.45”, Version2 = “1.23.456”
The first two parts of both the strings are the same. The third part of Version2 is greater than the third part of Version1, thus string Version2 is of the latest version.
The Interviewer has 5 years of experience and was very friendly. He introduced himself first and asked me for a quick introduction. Then he jumped into coding questions
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?