Tip 1 : Start as early as you can, and be consistent while you are practicing. It's like the Law of Inertia i.e initially it seems very hard but once you get into practice you'll start enjoying the process.
Tip 2 : If you have enough(3-4 months) time then try to solve problems in a Depth First manner i.e explore each topic before jumping to the next one.
Tip 3 : Make sure to cover company-specific problems before your final interview this would help you to find a pattern in what exactly the organization is seeking in a candidate. Also, if possible try to talk to people who have gone through the same process in the past.
Tip 1 : Recruiters love seeing things that you have done other than your academics, so make sure you have good side projects to showcase, participate in Hackathons, and coding competition.
Tip 2 : Try contributing to open-source projects but don't limit yourself to just GSoC, RGSoC, or Outreachy. Contribute to projects that have a huge impact this would help your profile to stand out.
It was a 45 min coding interview which has 3 sections, the first 5 min are reserved for you & your interviewer to introduce each other. After which you're expected to solve 2-3 coding problems with bug-free code and while solving make sure you think out loud and discuss your approach with your interviewer before start coding.
At the end of the interview, you'll be asked to discuss any questions or doubts if you've any.
update(l, r, val) : Add (val + i) to arr[l + i] where, 0 <= i <= r - l.
rangeSum(l, r): return the sum of all elements in the array from index l to r, i.e., the sum of array arr[l...r].
Type 1: for update(l, r, val) operation.
Type 2: for rangeSum(l, r) operation.
Note: (1 based indexing) for the queries.
1. We consider the ‘/’ operator as the floor division.
2. Operators ‘*’ and ‘/’ expression has higher precedence over operators‘+’ and ‘-’
3. String expression always starts with ‘(‘ and ends with ‘)’.
4. It is guaranteed that ‘expression’ represents’ a valid expression in Infix notation.
5. It is guaranteed that there will be no case that requires division by 0.
6. No characters other than those mentioned above are present in the string.
7. It is guaranteed that the operands and final result will fit in a 32-bit integer.
Consider string ‘expression’ = ‘((2+3)*(5/2))’.
Then it’s value after evaluation will be ((5)*(2)) = 10.
It was a 60 min interview of which the first 15 min were dedicated to behavioral questions and the remaining 45 min was the same as the last round.
The way behavioral round works is that your interviewer will give you a situation and will seek your inputs on how would you tackle this or may ask you to share some incidents from your past where you exhibited a few leadership skills. I would suggest being prepared upfront with 1-2 stories from your past internships or college life where you led a team or handled a tough situation.
If A = “aab”, 'B' = “abc”, 'C' = “aaabbc”
Here 'C' is an interleaving string of 'A' and 'B'. because 'C' contains all the characters of 'A' and 'B' and the order of all these characters is also the same in all three strings.
If 'A' = “abc”, 'B' = “def”, 'C' = “abcdefg”
Here 'C' is not an interleaving string of 'A' and 'B'. 'B'ecause neither A nor 'B' contains the character ‘g’.
Vertices are numbered through 0 to V-1.
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Tell me an incident where you missed the deadline for assignment submission and how did you handle it?
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?