Tip 1 : Prepare your resume well.
Tip 2 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume.
Tip 3 : Be thorough with Data Structures and Algorithms. Also prepare well topics such as OS,DBMS.
Tip 1 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume
Tip 2 : It's not important to have fancy projects. Only mention those on which you're confident.
Nice goes i good environment.
There is a room with a door (closed) and three light bulbs. Outside the room, there are three switches, connected to the bulbs. You may manipulate the switches as you wish, but once you open the door you can’t change them. Identify each switch with its bulb. All bulbs are in working condition.
Let the bulbs be X, Y, and Z
Turn on switch X for 5 to 10 minutes. Turn it off and turn on switch Y. Open the door and touch the light bulb.
1. if the light is on, it is Y
2. if the light is off and hot, it is X
3. if the light is off and cold, it is Z
1. Buying a stock and then selling it is called one transaction.
2. You are not allowed to do multiple transactions at the same time. This means you have to sell the stock before buying it again.
Input: ‘n’ = 7, ‘prices’ = [3, 3, 5, 0, 3, 1, 4].
Output: 6
The maximum profit can be earned by:
Transaction 1: Buying the stock on day 4 (price 0) and then selling it on day 5 (price 3).
Transaction 2: Buying the stock on day 6 (price 1) and then selling it on day 6 (price 4).
Total profit earned will be (3 - 0) + ( 4 - 1) = 6.
It happens in a nice environment but internet connection was week.
What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases? (Learn)
Assume that the Indexing for the linked list always starts from 0.
If the position is greater than or equal to the length of the linked list, you should return the same linked list without any change.
The following images depict how the deletion has been performed.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What does ROLLBACK do in DBMS?