Tip 1 : Participate in coding contests.
Tip 2 : Practice as many questions as you can.
Tip 3 : Do some good projects.
Tip 1 : Have some projects on your resume.
Tip 2 : Do not put false things on your resume.
It was a hangout video call. The interviewer asked me these questions. Tell me about yourself and 1 coding question.
A special number is a number, which when rotated 180 degrees, resembles some other number in the same range. Every digit of a special number must be a valid digit.
The digits, 0,1,6,8,9, when rotated 180 degrees, become 0,1,9,8,6 respectively. While the digits, 2,3,4,5,7, when rotated do not become any valid digit.
‘8196’, when rotated 180 degrees, will become ‘9618’. We can observe that all the digits of this number are valid. So, this is a special number.
Tip 1:
Tip 2:
Tip 3:
This was an On-site (Behavioural Round) interview. He asked me these questions.
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why Google?
3. Which product of Google you like most? Why? Any competing products in the market?
4. If I asked your current organization for feedback then what will they say? Focusing on negative points.
5. If you have to improve one technical and one behavioral point then which one will you improve?
6. In your last organization or before that any leadership work have you done? Mentorship/organizer type.
7. What will you do when your work’s credit will be given to another person?
8. Any situation when your manager didn’t agree with your idea and how did you convince him?
9. Why you are leaving before 1 year?
10. What is your plan for 2 years in technical and non-technical aspects?
11. Do you have any questions for me?
This was another On-site ( DS & Algo) algorithm.
Another On-site ( DS & Algo) interview.
Given 'N' : 5 (number of packets) and 'M' : 3 (number of students)
And chocolates in each packet is : {8, 11, 7, 15, 2}
All possible way to distribute 5 packets of chocolates among 3 students are -
( 8,15, 7 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 7’ = ‘8’
( 8, 15, 2 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 2’ = ‘13’
( 8, 15, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 8’ = ‘7’
( 8, 7, 2 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘8 - 2’ = ‘6’
( 8, 7, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘11 - 7’ = ‘4’
( 8, 2, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘11 - 2’ = ‘9’
( 15, 7, 2 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 2’ = 13’
( 15, 7, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 7’ = ‘8’
( 15, 2, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘15 - 2’ = ‘13’
( 7, 2, 11 ) difference of maximum-minimum is ‘11 - 2’ = ‘9’
Hence there are 10 possible ways to distribute ‘5’ packets of chocolate among the ‘3’ students and difference of combination (8, 7, 11) is ‘maximum - minimum’ = ‘11 - 7’ = ‘4’ is minimum in all of the above.
Input: arr = [2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3], k = 2
Output: 11
First painter can paint boards 1 to 3 in 8 units of time and the second painter can paint boards 4-6 in 11 units of time. Thus both painters will paint all the boards in max(8,11) = 11 units of time. It can be shown that all the boards can't be painted in less than 11 units of time.
Another On-site ( DS & Algo) interview.
On-site ( DS & Algo) interview.
Google mainly focuses on logic and how you are coming with a solution. It notes down each and every small mistake. Interviewers are really very helpful. They expect clear code with an optimal approach.
The distance between any two cells (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) is given by the Manhattan distance: |x0 - x1| + |y0 - y1|.
If no land or water exists in the grid, then return -1.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?