Tip 1: Cover Core Java Basics.
Tip 2: Understand Java 8 concepts.
Tip 3: Learn System Design.
Tip 4: Learn DSA, focusing at least on Strings and Arrays.
Tip 1: Be specific and mention your tech stack for both projects and work experience.
Tip 2: Explain your project roles and responsibilities clearly.
It was a Zoom call. The interviewer was nice and polite.
The process commenced with core Java inquiries utilizing an online Java compiler, primarily focusing on fundamental questions related to Java streams.
I responded to each question thoughtfully, aiming to guide them through the process of arriving at the solution. I highlighted how our Java fundamentals can be applied and explained the usage and reasoning behind streams. Additionally, I discussed alternative solutions as well.
Anagrams are defined as words or names that can be formed by rearranging the letters of another word. Such as "spar" can be formed by rearranging letters of "rasp". Hence, "spar" and "rasp" are anagrams.
'triangle' and 'integral'
'listen' and 'silent'
Since it is a binary problem, there is no partial marking. Marks will only be awarded if you get all the test cases correct.
Step 1: I initially provided a solution using sorting.
Step 2: He asked about the program's complexity and requested an optimization since sorting has an NLogN time complexity.
Step 3: I then proposed a solution using a HashMap.
Step 4: He inquired about the space complexity and requested a reduction in it.
Step 5: I offered a solution using frequency counting.
Step 6: Finally, he asked me to write the final logic in an online Java compiler, run it, and paste the code, output, and time complexity into a shared Word file.
In an array, print the numbers that appear several times equal to their digit. For example, given the array [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6], the output would be 1, 3, and 5 because 1 appears once, 3 appears three times, and 5 appears five times.
I proposed an approach where we first identify the maximum digit in the array. Then, we create a temporary array with a length equal to this maximum digit. Next, we iterate through the main array, incrementing the index corresponding to each digit in the temporary array. Finally, we check if the value at any index in the temporary array matches the index itself; if it does, that index is part of the solution and should be printed.
He asked me about the time complexity of my approach. Due to time constraints during our Zoom meeting, he requested that I write the code in an online Java compiler and paste the code, output, and time complexity into a shared Word document.
It was a Zoom call and the interviewer was nice and polite.
I was tasked with designing both a High-Level and Low-Level structure for a Food Delivery System that caters to three user categories: Customers, Riders, and Restaurants.
These functionalities will be mapped out in both High-Level and Low-Level designs for the system. Need to give the Scalability, Optimized solutions, Microservice Architecture
I have come up with the following scenarios.
Log into the application.
Sets their location.
Searches for nearby restaurants.
Searches for restaurants by dish.
Adds items to the cart.
Place an order.
Payment Gateway
Waits for a rider to be assigned.
Tracks the rider's progress.
Receives notifications at each order checkpoint.
Receives delivery requests.
Manages and fulfils requests.
Updates order status.
Manages menu items.
Receives and processes order requests.
Notifies when food is prepared and ready.
I gave the solution of each mentioned point, How will be the microservice arch, and how APIs will interact with each other. How we store the data in a database or any other storage
This was the Fitment Round.
The questions revolved around scenarios involving challenges I encountered, my time management strategies, interactions with clients, and my approach to handling production bugs.
Salary Discussion Round.
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