Tip 1 : Have a good grasp on DSA
Tip 2 : Have a good projects
Tip 3 : do internships if possible
Tip 1 : Dont't put any false information in resume
Tip 2 : Have resume on your fingertips
Online test was consist of 3 coding problems ranging between easy to medium leetcode levels.
First two question were based on array and strings you just had to keep edge test cases in mind and you were good, last question was from dp,
Consider 'N' = 10, 'connections' = [[2, 10]]
We can go from 1 -> 2 with the help of dice (the number of operations increases by 1).
We can go from 2 -> 10 as 2 is directly connected to 10. No operation is required for this.
Hence the answer is 1.
Let assume the given interval list is ‘[ [ 1, 4 ], [ 5, 10 ], [ 6, 9 ] ] so we return ‘2’ as our answer as the interval [ 6, 9 ] lies in the interval [ 5, 10 ] so we removed [ 6, 9 ] from the list hence remaining intervals left are ‘2’ so ‘2’ is our answer.
We can take two intervals even when their starting and ending time are same. For eg: [1,3], [3,5] can be taken together.
Do not print anything, just return the number of set bits in the binary representation of all integers between 1 and ‘N’.
interviewer was very good he made comfortable enviroment
Rapid-fire questions on DBMS, Networking, Operating systems.
What is a deadlock? Different conditions to achieve a deadlock.
Difference between process and program and thread? Different types of process.
Inner and Outer Join
What is normalization ? Types of normalization.
Types of osi layers
Tip 1 : revise throughly
Use kadene's algorithm
interviewer was very good he asked my intro and then jumped to projects discussion.
Design Ludo Game with a Highly scalable capability.
Tip 1 : Users should be able to join a game with a unique code.
Tip 2 : At most 4 years can only join a game.
Tip 3 : Players can roll dice, move their coins, and valid actions against the results of dice.
HR was very supportive.
Why HashedIn
Team player or lone wolf
Experience of teamwork
How do you motivate peers
A little intro about the company – HashedIn University
Hobbies and Interests
Tip 1 : Be confident
Tip 2 : go through about hashedin
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?