Tip 1 : Always Clear your basic concepts first then move on to the advanced ones. Data structure is a must .
Tip 2 : Don't choose every language to learn from if you are a beginner, just choose one language (c/c++/pythin any) and try to learn how to build logics in questions and basics skills requires to become a pro.
Tip 1 : Don't write anything which you have not implemented on have done in a real project.
Tip 2 : Mention all the projects you have build so far in the resume.
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Explain the project in your resume (in detail)
3. What programming languages do you know and prefer? (I said I know C++ and python).
4. What are lists in python?
5. Implement stack using array and linkedlist (push and pop)
6. Any sorting algorithm.
7. Favorite subject?(OS)
8. What is virtual memory?
9. Explain deadlock. How would you handle a deadlock?
10. What is paging?
11. Explain interprocess communication.
12. Layers in OSI and TCP/IP model?
13. Which model is better TCP/IP or UDP
1. Layers in OSI and TCP/IP model?
2. Which model is better TCP/IP or UDP
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Family background (in great detail)
(Further questions related to my previous statements)
3. Proudest moment in your life?
4. Why CSE? Why IGDTUW?
5. Have you given any interviews before? Why do you think you weren't selected in previous companies? (Told him I had dead backlogs).
5. Why do you think you have backlogs in first place?
6. What did you like the most about the Pre-Placement talk?
7. Asked if I had any questions for him.
1. Introduce yourself.
2. What are your hobbies?
3. What's the thing you liked most about the Pre-Placement talk?
4. Who is the CEO of HPE?
5. Have you ever worked in team?
6. Asked if I had any questions for him.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?