Tip 1 : Get the perfect answers for questions asked in interviews, such as your introduction, why hp, strength and weakness, short term and long term goal, any questions for us.
Tip 2 : Go through the interviews questions available in Geeks for Geeks.
Tip 3 : Prepare your resume in such a way that you know everything you have on that piece of paper. Do not write anything you don't know.
Tip 1 : Make it of one page. Use sample templates for making resumes. Make it colored so it is catchy.
Tip 2 : Do not put false information on resume.
It was 6 pm. Test included Aptitude questions, c++ and computer skills. The questions were MCQ and they were very easy. Do not try to cheat as the test involved cameras and Mike.
Out of 398 shortlisted students , 50 could clear this round. The result was announced on 3 rd November 2020
Pattern for N = 2
Merge Sort Algorithm -
Merge sort is a Divide and Conquer based Algorithm. It divides the input array into two-parts, until the size of the input array is not ‘1’. In the return part, it will merge two sorted arrays a return a whole merged sorted array.
The above illustrates shows how merge sort works.
It is compulsory to use the ‘Merge Sort’ algorithm.
It was in the morning around 11:00. Interviewer looked at my resume and asked me accordingly. Mine was quick interview but for some it took 45 mins or even 90 mins
Technical Interview
Firstly we had tech interview, in which we were asked questions based on what we wrote in our resume and all questions were very basic.
1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. Tell me something about your project, less about your project but more about your contribution in your project.
3. What is agile technology in software development and scrum technology. Give lifecycle of scrum.
4. Explain waterfall model.
5. What is the difference between c++ and python?
6. What are functions?
7. What are data structures and what is an algorithm?
8. How do we join 2 tables ?
9. Any question for me?
10. What are the subjects in your electives?
11. Do you solve mathematical questions? If yes, tell me an application of probability.
12. How do we find middle element of array?
13. Difference between a process and a program.
14. What is a thread and it's difference with process?
15. What is the concept of multi threading
16. What are the sorting techniques you know?
17. Differentiate between merge sort and bubble sort along with it's time complexity.
Tip 1 : If you don't know day it clearly
It was 5 in evening.
Managerial Interview
1. Tell me something about yourself and where are you from?
2. What are the stages a program undergoes after writing it and what are the results at each step?
3. Explain user mode and kernal mode.
4. Schedulars work in kernal mode or user mode?
5. Tell me about your projects.
6. Do you have any questions?
Tip 1: All they were looking was confidence. So be confident on everything you say.
This was the last round at 6:30 pm.
1. Tell me about yourself in 5-6 lines.
2. Any questions for me?
Tip 1 : Just be happy and energetic.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?