Tip 1 : Try to have some good projects in your resume.
Tip 2 : Practice all the previously asked questions.
Tip 1 : Have some good development projects
Tip 2 : Include relevant industrial experience
This round was completely based on Data structures and Algorithms.
1. The length of each array is greater than zero.
2. The first index of each array is the most significant digit of the number. For example, if the array A[] = {4, 5, 1}, then the integer represented by this array is 451 and array B[] = {3, 4, 5} so the sum will be 451 + 345 = 796. So you need to return {7, 9, 6}.
3. Both numbers do not have any leading zeros in them. And subsequently, the sum should not contain any leading zeros.
1. A ‘path’ is a sequence of adjacent pair nodes with an edge between them in the binary tree.
2. The ‘path’ doesn’t need to pass through the root.
3. The ‘path sum’ is the sum of the node’s data in that path.
This was a mix of both technical and non technical questions.
It begins with few coding problems and then resume discussion.
Ques 1 : Do you know Binary search tree.
Ques 2 : Difference between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree.
Ques 3 : Given two words A and B, and a dictionary, C, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from A to B such that you must change exactly one character in every transformation and each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary C. You can see the problem here.
After these coding problems he starts asking from my resume.
Ques 4 : Tell me about your previous internships you have done.
Ques 5 : He asks few questions from javascripts like callbacks etc.
Ques 6 : What is SQL, what are all types of joins in SQL. What is the use of self-join in SQL?
An assignment was given to build a website with all the features and some additional requirements.
Tip 1 : Try to cover all the requirements.
Tip 2 : Add some addition features
My project was discussed in this round, with some changes in the database structure and was given to add some new features.
Add some new features in the project that I made.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
How do you create a function in JavaScript?