Tip 1 : Don't solve lot of problems for DSA, target most commonly asked questions. As myself being an interviewer I also search on last minute for DSA interview questions and ask them.
Tip 2 : Confidence is the key and that comes once you have done lot of preparation and that you can do by giving mocks
Tip 1: Mention skills only which you are sure of
Tip 2: Don't lie in resume
Normal round asking 1 question only just to check if I am even interested in this role
Merge Sort Algorithm -
Merge sort is a Divide and Conquer based Algorithm. It divides the input array into two-parts, until the size of the input array is not ‘1’. In the return part, it will merge two sorted arrays a return a whole merged sorted array.
The above illustrates shows how merge sort works.
It is compulsory to use the ‘Merge Sort’ algorithm.
I explained the how algorithm works and wrote the pseudo the code for it.
Design e-commerce website, you can mock the APIs and write unit test.
Catalog page, cart page, order page.
Asked to show my code and how file and components were structured. Checked if i covered edge cases or not.
Asked how to improve web performance and asked to change some styling during the interview
Tip 1: Took my time and designed properly
Tip 2: Showed my skills on multi page as I have experience with it
Normal interview round with 2 interviewers who were there in previous round.
Rotate the matrix by 90 degree
1. explained solution which uses space
2. optimized it and wrote the code for it and did dry run while explaining
If the given string is S = "abcba", then the possible substrings are "abc" and "cba". As "abc" starts with a lower index (i.e. 0, "cba" start with index 2), we will print "abc" as our shortest substring that contains all characters of 'S'.
1. explained brute force solution
2. optimized it and wrote the code for it and did dry run while explaining
Asked to design and explain the system which I worked upon in my last company
Tip 1: As I had already worked upon it, I knew what all components were used so I explained them pretty fast
Basic HR round with manager asking about my expectations and my last company experience.
Why I want to leave my last company?
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?