Intuit interview experience Real time questions & tips from candidates to crack your interview

SDE - 2

4 rounds | 5 Coding problems

Interview preparation journey

During my second year of college, during the lockdown, I started learning Data Structures and Algorithms through online platforms. I dedicated myself to preparing for full-time placements and internship opportunities. I devoted significant time to practicing a wide range of questions to enhance my problem-solving skills. Additionally, I focused on core Computer Science subjects like DBMS, OS, and CN.
Application story
I got an Intuit opportunity on LinkedIn and applied with a referral. I received positive feedback, submitted a tailored application, and had an initial phone screening with HR, followed by interviews where I showcased my skills and enthusiasm.
Why selected/rejected for the role?
I performed well in the interview. I answered almost every question they asked very confidently, and I cleared all the rounds and received the offer letter.
Duration: 6 months
Topics: Data Structure & Algorithms, OOPS, Computer Network, DBMS, Operating System, Design Patterns, Solid Principles

Tip 1: Prepare a good resume that is ATS-friendly. This is the first step to getting a chance for an interview.
Tip 2: Prepare all the fundamental core technical subjects and practice problem-solving extensively (15-20 questions from each topic). Also, having 2-3 projects in your resume is a must.
Tip 3: Try to set up mock interviews with seniors or friends before the actual interview.
Tip 4: Prepare solid principles, design patterns, and high-level system design thoroughly.

Application process
Where: Linkedin
Eligibility: B.E./B.Tech/ME/M.Tech(E&TC & E&C)/CS/IT , 60% throughout Academics, with no breaks/Year down, along with 2+ year of experience in Backend Development. 2+ yr of backend development experience (Salary: 46 LPA)
Resume Tip
Resume tip

Tip 1: Add at least 2-3 projects and try to provide links to your projects where you have deployed them or stored the codebase.
Tip 2: Do not write false information; you will be caught during interviews.

Interview rounds

Duration60 minutes
Interview date2 Dec 2024
Coding problem1

The interview was conducted in an online virtual format and lasted approximately one hour. It was scheduled at a reasonable time, not late at night, ensuring a comfortable and focused environment. The setting was professional, with no interruptions, which helped maintain a smooth flow throughout the discussion.

The interviewer was highly professional, courteous, and focused. They created a friendly yet goal-oriented atmosphere, which made it easier to approach the problem-solving tasks with confidence.

The round primarily focused on DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms).

1. Longest Subarray With Sum K.

30m average time
50% success
Asked in companies
OLX GroupIntuitFastenal

Ninja and his friend are playing a game of subarrays. They have an array ‘NUMS’ of length ‘N’. Ninja’s friend gives him an arbitrary integer ‘K’ and asks him to find the length of the longest subarray in which the sum of elements is equal to ‘K’.

Ninjas asks for your help to win this game. Find the length of the longest subarray in which the sum of elements is equal to ‘K’.

If there is no subarray whose sum is ‘K’ then you should return 0.

Input: ‘N’ = 5,  ‘K’ = 4, ‘NUMS’ = [ 1, 2, 1, 0, 1 ]

Output: 4

There are two subarrays with sum = 4, [1, 2, 1] and [2, 1, 0, 1]. Hence the length of the longest subarray with sum = 4 is 4.
Problem approach

The key idea is to use a HashMap (or dictionary) to store the cumulative sum at each index. This allows us to efficiently find the subarray sums without having to recalculate them repeatedly.

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Duration90 minutes
Interview date5 Dec 2025
Coding problem1

1. Technical Questions

In this round, I was provided with a project setup in advance, which included setting up a Java Spring Boot repository along with all its dependencies, such as an H2 in-memory database. The task involved configuring the project to ensure it was fully functional.

During the interview, the interviewer presented a set of user stories and asked me to:

1. Design and Implement APIs:

  • I needed to understand the user stories, break them down into actionable tasks, and create the necessary endpoints to meet the specified requirements.
  • The APIs were required to handle all business logic and data persistence using the H2 database.

2. Test the APIs Using Postman:

  • The interviewer requested that I run the APIs in Postman to demonstrate their functionality.
  • This included testing both valid and invalid inputs to verify correctness and ensure reliability.

3. Write JUnit Test Cases:

  • I was asked to write unit tests for the APIs, focusing on comprehensive test coverage.
  • The tests needed to cover edge cases and corner cases to ensure the input validation, business logic, and database interactions were thoroughly validated.

This round required a strong understanding of Spring Boot, RESTful API development, unit testing with JUnit, and an ability to approach problem-solving in a dynamic, hands-on environment.

Problem approach
  • Be vocal about your approach and thought process: Explain your reasoning and decisions as you implement the solution, so others understand your approach.
  • Write clean, modular, and maintainable code: Structure your code in a way that is easy to read, understand, and extend in the future.
  • Test incrementally: After implementing each feature, run tests to identify and fix issues early, preventing last-minute debugging.
  • Demonstrate confidence in debugging: Show assurance when troubleshooting issues, whether during Postman tests or while running JUnit, and walk through the process systematically.
Video Call
Duration90 minutes
Interview date5 Dec 2024
Coding problem2

This round took place on the same day as the API Design Round, which was 1 hour long and scheduled during the daytime.

1. Making The Largest Island

30m average time
70% success
Asked in companies

You are given an 'n' x 'n' binary matrix 'grid'.

You are allowed to change at most one '0' to be '1'. Your task is to find the size of the largest island in the grid after applying this operation.

An island is a 4-directionally (North, South, East, West) connected group of 1s.

Input: 'grid' = [[1,0],
Output: 3

We can change the 0 at (0,1) to 1 and get an island of size 3.

Problem approach

Approach to Solve the Problem:

This problem can be solved using Depth-First Search (DFS) or Breadth-First Search (BFS) to explore all connected 1s.

  • Iterate through the grid: Start from each cell and initiate a DFS or BFS whenever you encounter a 1.
  • Mark visited cells: Use a visited array or modify the grid itself (e.g., by setting visited cells to 0) to avoid revisiting nodes.
  • Calculate the area of each island: For each connected component (island), count the total number of 1s visited.
  • Update the maximum area: Keep track of the largest area encountered.
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2. Coding Question

You are given data representing a list of cities, where each city has the following attributes:

  • name: The name of the city
  • temperature: The temperature of the city (in degrees).

The task is to find the top K cities with the highest temperatures from this data.

Problem approach

To efficiently solve this problem, we need to consider an optimized approach for selecting the top K elements based on temperatures.

Brute Force Approach:

Sort the list of cities based on temperature in descending order and select the first K cities.
Time Complexity: O(N log N), where N is the number of cities.

Optimized Approach:

Use a Min-Heap (priority queue) of size K.
Insert the first K cities into the heap.
For the remaining cities, compare their temperature with the smallest element in the heap (the root). If the current city's temperature is higher, replace the root with the current city.
At the end, the heap will contain the top K cities with the highest temperatures.
Time Complexity: O(N log K), where N is the number of cities and K is the size of the heap.

Video Call
Duration45 minutes
Interview date5 Dec 2024
Coding problem1

This round also happened on the same day as the API design round. It was a 45-minute long round in which they focused on system design and LLD.

1. System Design

Designing a low-level design (LLD) for a cricket game organization involves creating a system to manage various entities, such as players, teams, matches, tournaments, and related operations. Below is a structured approach to designing this system.

Problem approach

Understand Requirements

  • Clarify key entities: Player, Team, Match, Tournament.
  • Ask questions about the rules, features, and scope.

Break Down the Problem

  • Identify attributes and relationships between entities.
  • Focus on modularity: Separate services for each entity.

Plan Design

  • Use UML diagrams to visualize relationships.
  • Start with essential entities and expand gradually.

Optimize Solution

  • Use HashMap for quick lookups and PriorityQueue for ranking.
  • Optimize database queries with indexing and selective fetching.

Best Practices

  • Validate inputs, such as team size and match type.

Here's your problem of the day

Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company

Skill covered: Programming

Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?

Choose another skill to practice
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