Tip 1: Topics like DSA and coding implementation should be started first, as they require continuous practice.
Tip 2: Theory topics like networks, OOP, and DBMS should be learned just before interviews so they are fresh in mind.
Tip 1: Be honest.
Tip 2: Highlight achievements/accomplishments.
There were total of 4 questions: 1 easy, 2 medium and 1 hard.
Number of interviewers: 1.
We both introduced each other, first of all. The first 30 minutes of the interview were completely dependent on OOPS and DBMS theory. Questions were asked from these topics in more depth, so I just said I didn't know and moved on in 2 or 3 questions. Only 1 coding question was asked, and I was supposed to do it in 15 minutes.
Question: Given a string of '(' and ')', find the largest size substring which is balanced parentheses.
First, I mistakenly found the largest subsequence, then the interviewer confirmed that he asked for a substring. Then, I quickly changed my code as it was a very easy question.
Let the given string be “(()())((”.
Here the valid parentheses substrings are: “()”, “()” and “(()())”. Out of these the longest valid string is “(()())” which has a length 6.
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Number of interviewers: 3
They all introduced themselves, and then I introduced myself. They asked me how my day was. The first 45 minutes were things other than coding questions; basically, it was a discussion on projects in depth, as well as a discussion on databases and OOP.
They expected to know about header files, preprocessor directives, user-defined namespaces, why the main function runs first, etc.
Given a number n, remove exactly x digits from n such that the remaining number formed by removing these digits is minimum. Find this minimum number.
Water Jug Puzzle - Given two jugs with capacities of 3 and 5 liters, respectively. Find if you can measure a capacity of 4 liters using these 2 jugs only.
Tip 1: Don't arrive at a solution by hit and trial.
Tip 2: Speak out any ways you are thinking of to solve the puzzle.
• Fill any of the jugs entirely with water.
• Empty any of the jugs.
• Pour water from one jug into another till the other jug is full, or the first jug itself is empty.
In order to measure 2 litres from jugs of 4 and 6 litres we can follow the following steps-
• Fill 6-litres jugs to its maximum capacity.
• Pour water from 6-litres jug to the jug with 4-litres capacity.
• Pour water from 6-litres jug to the jug with 4-litres capacity.
Already the interview was longer than they said, so they asked me to just write recursion when I said this is a memoization problem.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?