Tip 1 : Regarding DSA preparation, I have a theory. 20 percent of the questions will be asked in 80 percent of the interview and 80 percent of the questions will be asked in 20 percent of the interviews. In short, some questions have a very high chance of coming up during the interviews and some have very low chance. We should focus more on the questions that have more chance of coming up in the interview. You can find these questions on Striver SDE Sheet, InterviewBit, Leetcode 100 most liked, Leetcode 100 most important.
Tip 2 : Try to find patterns in the questions. Group them according to a pattern for better understanding. Make notes in Excel, word or hand written and revise them.
Tip 3 : Try to solve the questions that have more chance of coming up in the interview with many different approaches.
Tip 1: Make Sure that your resume is simple and also try to fit all the information on only one page.
Tip 2: Have at least 2 projects with the latest technologies, Github link of projects should be provided
The input strings consist of digits and dots only and both the strings are started and terminated by a digit. There are no leading zeros and no zeros following a dot in both the strings except in the case of zero itself.
Version1 = “1.23.45”, Version2 = “1.23.456”
The first two parts of both the strings are the same. The third part of Version2 is greater than the third part of Version1, thus string Version2 is of the latest version.
You are given two strings ‘Version1’ and ‘Version2’ representing the version numbers. Your task is to compare them and find out which one of them is the latest version.
1. All the elements are in the range 0 to N - 1.
2. The elements may not be in sorted order.
3. You can return the duplicate elements in any order.
4. If there are no duplicates present then return an empty array.
You are given an array/list 'ARR' consisting of N integers, which contains elements only in the range 0 to N - 1. Some of the elements may be repeated in 'ARR'. Your task is to find all such duplicate elements.
You are given a 2-dimensional array/list having N rows and M columns, which is filled with ones(1) and zeroes(0). 1 signifies land, and 0 signifies water.
A cell is said to be connected to another cell, if one cell lies immediately next to the other cell, in any of the eight directions (two vertical, two horizontal, and four diagonals).
A group of connected cells having value 1 is called an island. Your task is to find the number of such islands present in the matrix.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?