Tip 1 : Even if you are stuck in the problem, just give a try. The interviewer will help you definitely for sure.
Tip 2 : Prepare Data Structures and Algorithms well. They mostly check our Problem Solving ability to find the solutions for the real world problems.
Tip 3 : Be enough confident, don't be nervous. Maintain atleast 2 projects in your resume
Tip 1 : Mention atleast 2 projects.
Tip 2 : Mention your skills in which you are perfect.
Tip 3 : It should not be too long or too short
You may assume that given ‘X’ and ‘Y’ definitely exist in the given binary tree.
For the given binary tree
LCA of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is highlighted in yellow colour.
1. If there is no possible path to change BEGIN to END then just return -1.
2. All the words have the same length and contain only lowercase english alphabets.
3. The beginning word i.e. BEGIN will always be different from the end word i.e. END (BEGIN != END).
Design a Commodity Exchange using OOPs. Also discuss in detail about the Networking Protocols that can be used in such a system (MQTT, CQRS etc.).
Tip 1 : Practicing a few Low-Level Design questions is very helpful as we can then mold our question to have some overlap with the practiced questions, e.g., OOPs for Notification Delivery.
Tip 2 : In core subject-based rounds networking questions can be asked so, knowing about the different protocols and their use cases helps.
Tip 3 : Resume projects related core subject questions must not be neglected.
1. Constructor:
It initializes the data members(queues) as required.
2. push(data) :
This function should take one argument of type integer. It pushes the element into the stack and returns nothing.
3. pop() :
It pops the element from the top of the stack and, in turn, returns the element being popped or deleted. In case the stack is empty, it returns -1.
4. top :
It returns the element being kept at the top of the stack. In case the stack is empty, it returns -1.
5. size() :
It returns the size of the stack at any given instance of time.
6. isEmpty() :
It returns a boolean value indicating whether the stack is empty or not.
Query-1(Denoted by an integer 1): Pushes an integer data to the stack. (push function)
Query-2(Denoted by an integer 2): Pops the data kept at the top of the stack and returns it to the caller. (pop function)
Query-3(Denoted by an integer 3): Fetches and returns the data being kept at the top of the stack but doesn't remove it, unlike the pop function. (top function)
Query-4(Denoted by an integer 4): Returns the current size of the stack. (size function)
Query-5(Denoted by an integer 5): Returns a boolean value denoting whether the stack is empty or not. (isEmpty function)
1 5
1 10
Enqueue operation 1 5: We insert 5 at the back of the queue.
Queue: [5]
Enqueue operation 1 10: We insert 10 at the back of the queue.
Queue: [5, 10]
Dequeue operation 2: We remove the element from the front of the queue, which is 5, and print it.
Output: 5
Queue: [10]
Peek operation 3: We return the element present at the front of the queue, which is 10, without removing it.
Output: 10
Queue: [10]
IsEmpty operation 4: We check if the queue is empty.
Output: False
Queue: [10]
Conditions for valid parentheses:
1. All open brackets must be closed by the closing brackets.
2. Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
()()()() is a valid parentheses.
)()()( is not a valid parentheses.
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Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?