Tip 1 : Do participate in all the coding contests, long challenges held by codechef, codeforces
Tip 2 : Practice all kinds of problems on leetcode, gfg, coding ninjas
Tip 3 : When you are writing a written exam for a particular company, make sure you get to know about the company in detail.
Tip 1 : Make your resume short and sweet(mostly 1 page, max 2 pages) is preferred.
Tip 2 : Make sure your resume is crisp rather than descriptive
Tip 3 : Do not lie on your resume
It contains three sections namely apptitude, technical mcqs and essay writing. After completing the first section then only we are supposed to move to the second section and the same applies for the third one.
Its a zoom call interview which lasted for 45 minutes. initially there are two panel members in which one is very targetting at me. They asked me different type of questions like jumping from DSA to project then to python then again java. Its a mixed combo pack type interview. for each and every question they asked me the real time example. The discussion on my project lasted for 15-20 mins.
Do not print anything, just return the number of set bits in the binary representation of all integers between 1 and ‘N’.
1. In detail about the Oops concepts
2. Differences between Abstract class and Interface?
3. Differences between the real time examples of both Abstract Class and Interface?
4. What is recursion and which data structure is used for recursion?
5. What is binary tree and binary search tree?
1. What is tuple?
2. What is meant by dictionary?
3. Real time examples of both tuple and dictionary?
1. How do you extract an element in javascript?
2. Explain DOM Manipulations?
1. What are views?
2. Advantages of views over tables?
3. What is join? Explain the types of joins?
4. What is normalization? Explain the types of normalizations?
5. What is unique key and foreign key constraints?
6. You are having a Collection of tables with a large complex data stored in it. How will you apply the normalization to it? Will it be difficult in splitting the tables for achieving normalization? What is your approach?
This round was a zoom interview. The interview started with my brief introduction. This time the interview was more interested in my hobbies and passions. He asked me what do you do to keep yourself updated with the latest technology trends?
1. Asked me about the educational details?
2. What is your biggest achievement?
3. What do you know about the Micron Company?
4. Will you prefer higher studies?
5. What will you do if at all the technology get shifted to a new technology? Will you be able to handle that?
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?