Tip 1 : Brush up your operating systems concept
Tip 2 : study Computer Architecture
Tip 3 : Emphasise more on theoretical concepts rather than coding concepts, Nvidia is a hardware company and deals with kernel level drivers mostly.
Tip 1 : Put C and C++ as yours skills if you have it
Tip 2 : Do not lie about your skills , be specific
There were 25 mcqs and 1 coding question. OS, aptitude, C and C++ concepts were the main focus.
Which feature of OS is used here
It was of 60 minutes,
Questions asked were
1. Swap without temp variable
2. A problem question in which I was asked to find the ball with odd weight out of the remaining in the least number of attempts and write an algorithm for it.
3. Code to insert in the middle of circular linked list, code to find middle element of a singly linked list with knowing the number of elements in it.
4. Socket programming
5. Operating system concepts
6. Types of joins in DBMS
7. A DBMS query
8. Print in C without a semi colon
9. If I have any questions in the end.
Types of Joins , answer: left outer,right outer join,inner join
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What does ROLLBACK do in DBMS?