Tip 1 : Practice atleast 400 questions of leetcode topics wise.
Tip 2 : Participate in hackathons.
Tip 3 : Have 2 good projects atleast and be very good in project concepts.
Tip 1 : Have good projects in your resume and have clear idea of what you have done in those.
Tip 2 : Mention languages, frameworks, subjects only when you have proper hold on them, don't mention things you don't know properly.
This was a coding round conducted from 12 PM to 2 PM and it was not proctored but we could not switch the tabs. There were 2 coding questions each of 100 marks. The MCQ had HTML,CSS, JS, SQL, Coding and aptitutude questions.
For a string “qaacde”, This string has two same adjacent characters.
So, one possible way to rearrange the string is “qacade”. Now, this string does not have two adjacent characters that are the same.
There were two interviewers. They started by asking me to introduce myself and asked me to explain any one of my projects in my resume and after that, they asked me about the ML algorithms used in my project and about the difficulties faced. What is NaN property in JavaScript? This took around 10 minutes. They also asked 2 coding questions.
It was conducted at 10 AM on CodePair and MS Teams. Interviewers were friendly.
An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase. We can generalize this in string processing by saying that an anagram of a string is another string with the same quantity of each character in it, in any order.
{ “abc”, “ged”, “dge”, “bac” }
In the above example the array should be divided into 2 groups. The first group consists of { “abc”, “bac” } and the second group consists of { “ged”, “dge” }.
1. Return the final answer by doing a mod with 10^9 + 7.
2. Pairs {A, B} and {B, A} are considered the same.
There were 2 questions based on data structures, the round started from 1.15 PM .Some SQL questions like What is a Subquery? What are its types? What are UNION, MINUS and INTERSECT commands?
If two nodes have the same position, then the value of the node that is added first will be the value that is on the left side.
For the binary tree in the image below.
The vertical order traversal will be {2, 7, 5, 2, 6, 5, 11, 4, 9}.
In cases where the dividend is not perfectly divisible by the divisor, you are required to return the integer value of the quotient which is closer to zero.
For example - If the answer is '8.34', we return the integer part, i.e., '8'. Also, If the answer is '-2.67', we return the integer part, i.e., '-2'.
Assume we're dealing with a system that can only store integers in the 32-bit signed integer range: [2^31, 2^31-1]. If the quotient is higher than 2^31 - 1, return 2^31 - 1; if it is less than -2^31, return -2^31.
If the answer is ‘9.333’, then return ‘9’, or if the answer is ‘-8.123’, then return ‘-8’.
The round was at 7.30 PM and I was asked to introduce myself and we had basic talk on where I live and my interests. I asked about the work culture and about the role at the end.
He showed a puzzle where n-balloons were there and I had to burst maximum balloons using an arrow.
This was basically finding a maximum number of points in a line. I coded that but he wanted an improved solution. He told me to assume the positions of balloons in a matrix where 1 represents if the balloon is present and vice versa. Then I had to find which row or column or diagonal had the maximum number of 1’s. Later he asked me if I had some questions.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What does ROLLBACK do in DBMS?