Tip 1 : clear all the topics related to Android with deep details
about every topics
Tip 2 : practice dsa and algorithms through leetcode daily
Tip 3 : dry run code before running the code
Tip 1 : 1 page resume with multiple projects along with their links, bonus if app is published to play store
Tip 2 : always write your work experience, your projects and then your education details
They asked about myself and then started with Android basic and then moved with problem solving questions and scenario based questions
• Flow kotlin
• Android 10 to Android 11 migration support
• Kotlin cons and pros
• Dagger! should we use it?
• MVVM explain
• Android versions with their features and specialities
• Activity and it's lifestyle
• Why we use fragments
• Deep linking
• scope storage
• why constraint layout(flat structure, less rendering, responsive)
• how to handle run time permissions for a specific version
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
How do you write a single-line comment in C++?