Tip 1 : Thoroughly prepare about the skills on your resume. Expect questions from the same.
Tip 2 : Know your projects well, be ready with outcome of project, Tools and Technology used, any hardships during the project that you overcame. Have atleast 2 projects.
Tip 3 : Practice DSA questions and all the commonly asked algorithms and puzzles
Tip 1: Write your projects detailed - mostly in the following format: Name of the project, brief use case, tech stack used for development.
Tip 2: If you mention any Internships, use active verbs in the description - "Developed an Internal Dashboard which increased efficiency by 60%"
Tip 3: Mention your rank on sites like CodeForces, CodeChef(if they are good). Also add any extra-curriculars you were part of, Eg- "Vice President, Robotics Club ". Presents you as a well rounded individual
Timing - Late in the evening(7pm - 8 pm)
Virtual round, can give from home.
Had to keep webcam on during the test.
Tab switching was not allowed, and activity was monitored.
E.g. : 1 2 3 4 returns True, 1 3 4 5 returns False
- Used O(nLog(n)) sorting with merge sort
- Traverse through the arrey, if a[i]+1 != a[i+1] return False
- Else return true
Round in the morning, with 2 interviewers.
Questions based on Resume.
Since I had Machine Learning as a skill in my resume, the interviewer asked me this question.
Tip 1: Don't just say a model name. First start with a basic one, like, Linear Regression
Tip 2: Then improve on the model, for eg, random forest regressor
Tip 3: Make some insights : The number of passengers will remain the same, so more dataset cannot be gotten. Hence a stronger model will be prone to overfitting.
In the afternoon, with 3 recruiters, 2 HRs and 1 project manager.
Tip 2: Give examples of where you have used it. E.g: projects developed.
Tip 3: Mention courses you have done for it
Tip 4: Always show you are eager to learn.
Tip 5:"Even if I haven't used them yet because I was focussing on developing my Backend skills first, I would love to start learning it soon"
Tip 6: Refrain from saying anything like doing higher studies. Companies do not with to utilize time in grooming interns when they think they will be leaving company soon. Rather say something like you would love to pursue higher education whilst contributing to the company you are working in.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?