Tip 1 : Prepare your resume well.
Tip 2 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume.
Tip 3 : Be thorough with Data Structures and Algorithms. Also prepare well topics such as OS,DBMS.
Tip 1 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume
Tip 2 : It's not important to have fancy projects. Only mention those on which you're confident.
This round was a face to face round held on Cisco webex.
This round was completely on DS-Algo and OOPS.
The level of the questions asked was from medium level to hard level.
This is a common question.
I provided both recursive and iterative solution
Was not able to provide the optimized solution using stack. The interviewer gave hints but I was not able to provide optimized solution.
He only asked for explanation that how would I implement Tries.
I was able to provide the optimized solution which requires O(1) space.
Explain Normalization Techniques. (Learn)
Explain Transactions.
Tip 1 : Provide real life examples for your answer,
Tip 2 : If you don't know the answer it's okay to say that you don't know instead of giving vague and wrong answers.
What is LRU?
What is Memory Management?
Tip 1 : You should have clear understanding of OS theoretical concepts.
Tip 2 : Provide real life examples for your answer.
This round was easy.
The HR asked common questions like why Samsung, why did I choose to become Software Engineer and enquired about some recent products of Samsung.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What is the result of 4 % 2?