Be real during the interview and don’t show off. Also, practice Data Structures and Algorithms based problems as only through practice you will be able to solve questions quickly during the interview. Also prepare for theory subjects like Object-Oriented Programming System, Database Management System, Computer networks, etc.
Keep your resume simple. Prefer LaTeX. Don't use colourful templates. They are too common and very unprofessional. Keep it black and white and keep your content richer. Keep it of 1 page and 2 pages only if you have achieved a lot. Don’t use fillers. Any unwanted information on the resume leaves a bad impact on the interviewer.
This was coding round and was conducted on Cocubes platform. It is not IDE but kind of white board coding platform. C/C++, Java and Python were only allowed languages.
Given a binary tree, we need to write a program to print all leaf nodes of the given binary tree from left to right. That is, the nodes should be printed in the order they appear from left to right in the given tree.
Find the minimum operations you would require to convert a string to its given permutation. Take a character from anywhere and put it in the end - this is the only operation which is allowed.
This was pen and paper round. Total 40 shortlisted candidates were grouped into 8 groups (each of 5). Each group was given a coding question which they have to solve on paper and explain it to the recruiter. 2 to 3 from each group were selected for the next round.
You are given an m*n grid with 0s and 1s in it. Consider a 3*3 block in it. 111 010 111 Represents character I. Similarly, 101 111 101 Represents character H. You can similarly think of how to represent T. Count the number of Hs, Is, and Ts assuming they don't share any edge or are attached to each other in any way. They are disconnected from each other.
This was general face to face Data Structures and Algorithms based round.
Print the binary Tree in spiral order.
Merge Sort On A Linked List.
Given an integer N, find value of XoR of all integers from 1 to N.
Sample Case:- &n...
It was the last round.
Just gave the interviewer a basic introduction about me with the CGPA and other internship experiences.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What is the result of 4 % 2?
Very good Helpful