Tip 1 : Be very clear with the basics of each topic.
Tip 2 : Be thorough with the projects mentioned in the resume.
Tip 1 : Don't lie on your resume.
Tip 2 : The number of projects on the resume does not matter, what matters is that you must be thorough with your projects.
Tip 3 : Do not write too much, it should be simple and decent
The online assessment consisted of four components, a code debugging section (20 minutes), a coding test (70 minutes), a workstyles assessment (20 minutes) and a reasoning ability section (35 minutes). Code debugging questions were pretty simple and straightforward. The coding test consisted of 2 questions, first was similar to two Sum problem. Second question was similar to find the critical edges in a graph. The workstyles assessment section contained certain behavioural questions.
Reasoning ability section consisted of aptitude questions. This round was basically to check the problem solving skills of the candidate.
I was asked two coding questions. First question was related to binary tree and second question was to implement LRU cache.
I had to code both questions. The interviewer asked me the time and space complexity for both the questions.
I was asked two coding questions and some conceptual questions about priority heap data structure. I was able to code the optimized approach for the first question. But second question was a little tricky for me as I had never heard it before.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What is the result of 4 % 2?