Tip 1 : Shortlist a set of companies and roles your are looking for. Figure out both your strong and weak topics and prepare a practical plan.
Tip 2 : One need not be master of all topics. Just look out for pattern of questions asked in past interviews and try to take self assessments as soon as possible before even starting the formal preparation.
Tip 3 : Most important and irreplaceable thing is to practice. Solve problems in time bound and auto suggest free coding environment (eg, paper/pen or notepad).
Tip 1 : Try to limit your resume to a single page and include only the projects and experiences relevant to the role. For eg, one can remove content writing internship experience while applying for software engineering role.
Tip 2 : Customise your resume to include technologies and skills specific to company requirements.
Tip 3 : Open source projects and self projects always looks awesome on your CV!
Purpose of the round was to check practical coding skills (OOP, Low-level design, design patterns). Was required to code minimal application from scratch as per the requirements given in a single sheet of paper.
Design and implement a parking lot.
Functionalities and APIs:
1. Book a parking spot.
2. Vacate a parking spot.
3. Search by vehicle number, spot ID, vacant spots, occupied spots.
4. Return parking lot status.
1. Given that it was a machine coding round, I came prepared with a ready code environment and app skeleton to eliminate such redundant tasks.
2. Gone through given requirements and started work on low-level design (LLD) using only pen and paper. Listed all user behaviors and problems inherent to parking lots (Eg, concurrent booking problem).
3. Shortlisted must-have components from ideas in #2 and scoped the problem.
4. Clearly laid out folder structure in the project and created skeleton classes with commented methods.
5. Filled the methods and tested my code.
This is a problem-solving and data structural round.
Tip 1:
Tip 2:
Tip 3:
This is a system design round
Extending the current food delivery business to hyperlocal involves restructuring and scaling databases. Being an open ended problem, following are points touched in the discussion:
1. Service requirements, writing API endpoints (micro-services)
2. Database schema supporting hyperlocal model
3. Brief SQL / NoSQL discussion. Scaling above database (sharding, partitioning).
4. HLD for micro-service: Topics such as cluster coordination, fault tolerance were covered.
Tip 1 : Take out 5-6 minutes to analyze the given problem statement thoroughly and ask as many questions as possible initially. Clearly scope the problem before jumping deep diving.
Tip 2 : Explain your designs using block diagrams and do come prepared with system design patterns to call out such standard techniques.
Tip 3 : Actively call out instances where you are about to make guesswork. Carefully listen to suggestions and hints dropped by the interviewer.
This round was about my previous experience and some problem-solving question were also asked. A brief description of the is given below: -
1. Engineering manager/bar raiser round.
2. Discussion related to problems solved in the current team.
3. Brief explanation of previous experiences.
4. SDLC followed in the previous company.
5. HLD of previous projects done by me.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?