Tip 1 : Have a good grasp on the project topics mentioned in the resume.
Tip 2 : Machine Learning projects are a big plus.
Tip 3 : Your "Tell me about yourself" should be impressive.
Tip 1 : Please only mention the things you really know about. It's very important.
Tip 2 : Machine learning projects in the resume is a big plus.
The exam was conducted from home via the software designed by TCS. The test consists of logical reasoning, Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability, Programming Logic questions. It was a medium level difficulty test.
Step 1 : It was a variation of a standard rotating linked list problem.
Step 2 : I took the idea of the rotate linked list problem via iteration.
Step 3 : I used a temp variable to store the current node and previous node and using the loop, I iterated over all nodes of the doubly linked list.
Step 1 : I used the two pointer approach.
Step 2 : I collected all the zero's on the left indices of the array and all the 1's on the right side of the array.
Step 3 : After iterating over all the elements of the array, my whole array was sorted in linear time complexity.
The interview was scheduled in the day. The interviewer asked some HR type questions although it was my technical interview. Salary expectations, work location choices, management questions, etc. formed a big part of the interview. Then typical questions around the concept of OOPS, networking, DBMS fill the remaining time.
Questions like searching and sorting and projects were focused in the other half of the interview.
Step1 : This is a standard divide and conquer problem.
Step2 : I explained the general idea behind the algorithm and coded as per the standard algorithm
Step3 : I also explained why it's one of the best sorting algorithms while coding my way.
Practise questions like this
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What is the result of 4 % 2?