Tip 1 : Competitive Programming
Tip 2 : Do atleast 2 projects
Tip 1 : To be precise, mention your technical skills, achievements, dont write anything unnecessary plus write your professional summary good mention your project details in not more than 2 lines and make sure those sentences make sense to reader.
Tip 2 : Resume should be not more than one page. Write everything within one page
30 Aptitude problems and two coding questions
A pair ('ARR[i]', 'ARR[j]') is said to be an inversion when:
1. 'ARR[i] > 'ARR[j]'
2. 'i' < 'j'
Where 'i' and 'j' denote the indices ranging from [0, 'N').
This problem is classic problem known as inversion count. I solved this problem using merge sort tree and got full points if we apply brute force on this then we will get time limit exceeded so we have to solve this in O(nlogn) complexity.
This problem in know as kadane's algorithm i solved this one using single for loop and passed successfully all the test cases.
Data structure and algorithms plus object oriented problems
Merge Sort Algorithm -
Merge sort is a Divide and Conquer based Algorithm. It divides the input array into two-parts, until the size of the input array is not ‘1’. In the return part, it will merge two sorted arrays a return a whole merged sorted array.
The above illustrates shows how merge sort works.
It is compulsory to use the ‘Merge Sort’ algorithm.
Step 1 : I wrote first merge sort algorithm then i explained the worst case complexity for this one.
Step 2 : Interviewer cross questioned me what is divide and conquer approach.
Step 3 : I gave the definition for divide and conquer method
Step 4 : Then I continued explaining quick sort algorithm
Step 5 : Interviewer asked me about worst case scenario for quick sort then i replied when the array is already sorted he was happy.
Step 1 : I wrote a code for catching divide by zero exception
Step 2 : Then interviewer asked me about use of try catch finally and implement all in your code
Step 3 : Then I applied try first then catch statement for exception and then i wrote finally block .he was satisfied after my approach
Step 1 : I gave definition for access modifiers public private and protected then i used these modifiers in my code that i wrote in C++.
Step 2 : He asked me if we are in same package then can we access using protected or not then i replied yes.
Step 3 : Then interviewer asked me to write code for friend function.
Step 4 : I was not able to write that code then he helped me to write that code.
What is hashing?
How to remove collision in hashing?
What is open addressing ?
Tip 1 : Do practice about hash table data structure .
Tip 2 : Read about open addressing and closed addressing
Tip 3 : Learn how to remove collision. what are linear probing and quadratic probing
Tip 1 : Clear your concept in object oriented programming
Tip 2 : Do practice on OOPs concept ( Abstraction,Encapsulation,Inheritance,Polymorphism)
Tip 3 : Practice on concepts like overloading overriding interface packages multi threading
• The reference to the head of the linked list is not given.
• The node to be deleted is not a tail node.
• The value of each node in the Linked List is unique.
• It is guaranteed that the node to be deleted is present in the linked list.
Step 1 : I wrote all condition for deletion in linked list first from the beginning of the linked list then between linked list and then deleting last node for linked list
Step 2 : Interviewer asked about complexity for each of them i replied for all three cases.
Step 3 : Then i explained it using diagram how we are implementing this algo
Step 4 : He found an error in my code when we have only one node
Step 5 : I resolved that one then he was satisfied
Database questions and discussion about projects
What is normal form and explain BCNF.
Tip 1 : Do clear your concept of basic dbms topics like functional dependency and normal forms
Tip 2 : Do practice on Sql commands
Tip 3 : Read examples on each normal forms
What is the difference between while keyword and having keyword?
Tip 1 : Do practice on sql commands
Tip 2 : Read about concepts of Sql like primary key candidate key foreign key
Tip 3 : Read concepts like DDL,DML,DCL
Explain your best project?
Why machine learning project?
What are data frames?
Difference between classification and regression.
Tip 1 : Do atleast two major projects.
Tip 2 : Explain your role in your project what you have done in your project
Tip 3 : Do have good knowledge of technologies and stacks that are using in project.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which SQL keyword removes duplicate records from a result set?