Tip 1 : I prepared all topics from my Coding Ninjas Course - Competitive Programming
Tip 2 : I practiced 300+ questions on CodeZen ( Coding Ninjas Platform), LeetCode, InterviewBit
Tip 3 : I took part in contests on CodeForces.
Tip 4 : Apart from Data Structures and Algorithms , I also studied DBMS, OOPs and other course subjects
Tip 1 : Keep Resume up to date for the role you are applying.
Tip 2 : Mention atleast 1 project or past work experience.
Tip 3 : Try to keep a 1 pager resume.
The round consisted of 2 coding Problems and it lasted for 60 minutes from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM on Hackerearth.
Use of other IDEs was prohibited and video was on.
A = “bc”, B = “abcddbc”.
String “A” is present at index 1, and 5(0-based index), but we will return 1 as it is the first occurrence of “A” in string “B”.
Can you solve this in linear time and space complexity?
Can you solve each query in O(logN) ?
The round was conducted on Google Meet with 2 interviewers . They were friendly and helpful.
The timing was 12:00 to 1:00 PM.
Our Video was on .
For the given string “deed” :
The possible subsequences are {“”}, {“d”}, {“e”}, {“de”}, {“e”}, {“de”}, {“ee”}, {“dee”}, {“d”}, {“dd”}, {“ed”}, {“ded”}, {“ed”}, {“ded”}, {“eed”} and {“deed”}.
As, {“d”}, {“e”}, {“de”}, {“ed”} and {“ded”} are repeated.
The distinct subsequences are {“”}, {“d”}, {“e”}, {“de”}, {“ee”}, {“dee”}, {“dd”}, {“ed”}, {“ded”}, {“eed”} and {“deed”}
Thus, the output will be 11.
As the answer can be large, return your answer modulo 10^9 + 7.
This was a Behavioral Round. It lasted for 45-50 minutes. It consisted of a discussion on my projects. The interviewer was very impressed by the way I explained my projects. She even appreciated me for that. This was followed by normal HR questions .Timing of This round was 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
1. Why should we hire you?
2. What is your job expectation?
Tip 1: Have confidence in Yourself
Tip 2: Practice well, this helps in the interviews because the giving an approach is not sufficient. You need to code in front of them and reach the most optimal solution as well
Tip 3: Be well versed with time complexity and your course subjects like OOPS, DBMS, Computer Networks
Best of luck!!!
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?