Tip 1 : Have atleast one internship/project in your domain...Will help you to gain exposure
Tip 2 : Do good practice of advanced data structures like Tries,graphs etc.
Tip 3 : Be good in your communication
Tip 1 : Keep your resume up to date and mention three or four good level projects which will give a good impression to the interviewer
Tip 2 : You should be well aware and knowledgeable about all the things that are mentioned in your resume.
This was the online round held at Hackerearth. All students who met the eligibility criteria were shared link for the online test on hackerearth.
If the input string is ‘str’ = ”aazbbby”, then your output will be “azby”.
Note that we are just removing adjacent duplicates.
Can you solve this problem in a single traversal of the binary tree?
This Round was DS and Algo round and it started with formal introduction, followed by 2 problems.There were 2 interviewers. We first dicussed the approach the time complexity and proper code covering all cases.
1. A palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same from forward and backward e.g. “aba”, it reads the same from forward and backward.
2. A permutation is a rearrangement of letters.
3. The palindrome does not need to be limited to just dictionary words.
Given string S : aab
The output should be "True" as "aba" (permutation of string S) is a palindrome.
1. All the characters in the string and the word are in lowercase.
2. Length of the sentences and the words will always be greater than zero.
3. Words in the sentence will be separated by spaces.
This is a cultural fitment testing round .HR was very frank and asked standard questions. Then we discussed about my role.
Why should we hire you?
What is your expectation from this job?
Tip 1 : The cross questioning can go intense some time, think before you speak.
Tip 2 : Be open minded and answer whatever you are thinking, in these rounds I feel it is important to have opinion.
Tip 3 : Context of questions can be switched, pay attention to the details. It is okay to ask questions in these round, like what are the projects currently the company is investing, which team you are mentoring. How all is the work environment etc.
Tip 4 : Since everybody in the interview panel is from tech background, here too you can expect some technical questions. No coding in most of the cases but some discussions over the design can surely happen.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
What does ROLLBACK do in DBMS?
Don't think that walmart will ask these easy questions