Tip 1 : Make sure you have your computer science fundamentals very clear.
Tip 2 : Should know the complexity of code you write and should know the internal implementation of data structure you use while coding.
Tip 3 : Should know about everything you write in resume.
Tip 4: Practice a lot of programming problems. Participate in competitive programming contests.
Tip 1 : Be honest about what you write in resume.
Tip 2 : Should have at least 2 projects
Tip 3 : Maintain a precise and self speaking one page resume.
Tip 4 : Add technical achievements only.
MCQ Challenge was to test basic computer fundamentals. The quiz had 30 questions to be attempted in 25 minutes consisting questions related to Data structures and algorithm, OOPS, OS, DBMS and some questions to find the output of Java Program.
Platform was fast and responsive, and we were not allowed to switch through tabs during the test.
What is a basic form of GRANT statement?
Calculate the result of the following prefix expression: +,-,*,8,4,/,6,2,5
If a new node is added into a red-black tree, which statements are true ?
What is the complexity of enqueue and dequeue operation in a queue?
If we are given the above binary tree as input then moving from root node(5) to the farthest leaf node(50), the path formed will be [ 5->10->25->35->40->45->50 ]. The total number of nodes encountered is 7, therefore the maximum depth of the binary tree is 7.
90 minutes is what we get to present a logical coding solution to the challenge presented to us. There were 2 coding questions and we can submit the answer as many times we want. There were hidden test cases and after submitting we could only see the score.
The input string(STR) will not contain any spaces.
Assume that all characters in STR are lower case letters.
If characters less than 'K' remain, then append them in a sorted way to the new string.
Let the input string be "edcba" with K = 4.
Let the new string to be formed is initially empty, newString = "".
The first set of 4 characters are, ('e', 'd', 'c', 'b')
Out of these 4 characters, the smallest one is 'b' and hence we add it to the newString and it becomes,
newString = "b"
The next set of 4 characters are, ('e', 'd', 'c', 'a')
Out of these 4 characters, the smallest one is 'a' and hence we add it to the newString and it becomes,
newString = "ba"
Now we are left with "edc" and since we can't get a window of size 4, we sort them in the increasing order and append them to the newString.
Hence, newString thus formed will be "bacde".
It was the first technical round conducted on Zoom held for about 40 min. The video was enabled for this round. Computer fundamentals and problem solving was checked in this round.
Input array [1,3,2,7] so basically this array represents the number 1327.
All the possible combinations are :
1. [3 1 2 7] get by swapping indices 1 and 2.
2. [2 3 1 7] get by swapping indices 1 and 3.
3. [7 3 2 1] get by swapping indices 1 and 4.
4. [1 2 3 7] get by swapping indices 2 and 3.
5. [1 7 2 3] get by swapping indices 2 and 4.
6. [1 3 7 2] get by swapping indices 3 and 4.
Out of all the possible combinations, 3 give the maximum number as 7321, so we will return [7 3 2 1].
The input may have 0 before the most significant digit. e.g. [0,3,5,7] is a valid input and this represents number 357.
Exception handling in C++ in detail.
What do mean by OOPS.
What is inheritance.
Create a database to store the information of employees and their salaries (just explain)
What are insertion, deletion and updating anomalies in DBMS.
What's polymorphism ?
Write code to show run time polymorphism.
1. The array follows 0-based indexing, so you need to return the 0-based index of the element.
2. Note that the element at the equilibrium index won’t be considered for either left sum or right sum.
3. If there are multiple indices which satisfy the given condition, then return the left-most index i.e if there are indices i,j,k…. which are equilibrium indices, return the minimum among them
4. If no such index is present in the array, return -1.
It was the first technical round conducted on Zoom held for about 40 min. The video was enabled for this round.
1. Whats polymorphism - compile time and run time.
2. What are exceptions in Java - Since my primary language was C++, I explained exception in C++ only.
3. What are collections in Java- list, map, set
4. Whats binary search - only explain with dry run on an example.
5. Name all the sorting algorithm you have studied and which algorithm to be used for larger inputs.
Write a SQL query to print the highest salary of each department in a employee table that contains employee details - department to which employee belong, salary of employee.
For 'arr' = [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2]. you need to return 1.
This was the final round held for about 30 min on Zoom. My video was enabled all the time and basic HR questions were being asked.
Introduce yourself.
What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?
Explain the difference between group and team. Are you a team player?
What is your ideal company or workplace?
Tip 1 : Start by telling about your education.
Tip 2 : Then tell about your technical experiences - what projects you worked on, what was your part in team.
Tip 3 : Lastly, tell that how can you be asset to the organization
You are trying to cook an egg for exactly fifteen minutes, but instead of a timer, you are given two ropes which burn for exactly 1 hour each. The ropes, however, are of uneven densities – i e , half the rope length-wise might take only two minutes to burn. How can you cook the egg for exactly fifteen minutes?
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?