Tip 1 : Just focus on your problem-solving ability.
Tip 2 : For the BTA role focus on SQL
Tip 3 : You should be well sound of python and cloud computing
Tip 1 : Have some projects which are solving real-life problems
Tip 2 : For the BTA role have some skills in SQL and python
Timing: 11 pm till 11 am the next day.
Environment: You should need a hassle-free environment
You should need a webcam and earphone with a microphone in it, internet speed of minimum 2mbps.
This round was a face to face round in which we had to describe our approach towards the case study which we had solved.
and also we were asked some SQL queries and DBMS fundamentals.
SQL query to print duplicate entries.
what are integrity constraints.
This was and EBI/FIT round in which we were asked guestimates and puzzles and some situational based question.
Puzzle : Wine problem
Guestimate : How many cars are manufactured in Mumbai
Tip 1 : Just practice enough puzzles.
Tip 2 : Be prepared with your resume well.
Here's your problem of the day
Solving this problem will increase your chance to get selected in this company
Which operator is used for exponentiation in Python?