Figure this- you wake up one morning, get dressed to go to work, grab the keys of your driverless car, and pull up to the nearest coffee shop to grab your morning latte. You don’t need to get out of the car or reach for your wallet to make payments since it is all integrated in the in-car console linked to the shop using the internet of things. Seems futuristic, doesn’t it? Well, this is just the beginning!
Internet of things (IoT), is one revolutionary piece of tech that has the power to drive innovation and creativity with technology, all in one place. Enough about the future, even if we consider the statistics of the present day, there are already 26 billion devices connected via IoT already! The phenomenon is in full force and is only expected to get stronger and more reliable as time passes.
This acts as a perfect segue into our discussion for today, helping budding developers like you make the most of an up and coming tech. We will certainly be seeing a lot of activity once techies figure out how to make the most of it. What’s to say it hasn’t started already! To help you get up to speed, here are the 5 things about the future of IoT that every budding developer should know.
#1. The potential that smart homes and workplaces hold
The smart home, as seen in sci fi movies, isn’t a reality as of now, but we’re pretty close. The latest advancements in data analytics and AI have led us to fridges that text you when you leave the door open. Imagine the amount of code and effort that went into programming a seemingly simple concept as this!
The future home will surely be smarter than what we see today. Developers therefore must look to be the first ones to jump on the bandwagon, and build smarter, more connected homes.
#2. Moving on to smarter cities
Another perfect segue into our next segment- smarter cities. To give you an outline of the intense potential that IoT holds in improving our lives, here’s some stats-
66% cities in the US are already investing towards becoming smarter.
37 million US dollars are being saved by Barcelona every year due to smart lighting measures.
The future certainly is “bright”, isn’t it?
With more and more cities looking to move to smarter tech, it opens up a whole host of opportunities for developers to demonstrate their mettle, while doing their cities a favour, too! What’s more is that the problem of traffic and heavy congestion can also be solved by implementing IoT- another opportunity. Chances are galore!