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Last updated: Oct 29, 2021

Advanced Guides

Take a deep dive into full-stack JavaScript with React.js and learn advanced concepts like the context API, HOCs, external state, performance optimization, asynchronous APIs, testing, deployment, and more.
REACT Accessibility
This blog covers the concept of React accessibility, react accessibility issues, and the solutions to overcome them.
Code-Splitting in React MEDIUM
This article will discuss the concept of code splitting and its implementation with examples.
REACT Context
This blog covers the concepts of React context, createContext, provider, consumer, and how to use react context API.
Higher-Order Components in React
A higher-order component is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. They are a pattern that emerges from React’s compositional nature.
React JSX in Depth
This blog covers the concept of React JSX, the need for JSX in-depth, attributes, and commenting out the code in JSX.
Render Props in React
Render props in react is a technique that allows sharing of code among several components using a prop whose value is a function. It helps to increase the code reusability.
Forwarding Refs in React
Ref forwarding is a technique for automatically passing a ref through a component to one of its children.
REACT Fragments
This blog covers the concept of React fragments, the returning of multiple elements, conditional rendering, array rendering, and the use of React fragments.
Optimizing Performance in React
React uses several techniques to minimize the number of costly DOM operations. There are several other ways to speed up your React application; this article will discuss ways of Optimizing Performance in React.
React Profiler
This blog explains the concept of React Profiler and the prerequisites and tools required. The React Profiler DevTool and React Profiler API are also discussed.
React Without ES6
ES6 is the 6th version of the ECMAScript programming language. We will learn how to implement React without ES6.
React without JSX
In React, JSX allows us to use JavaScript and its rich functionality coupled with HTML directly. However, one can use React without JSX as well. This blog will teach you how to do so.
React Reconciliation
This blog covers the concept of React reconciliation, which explains how React modifies the browser's DOM.
React Refs and DOM
This blog covers the concept of React refs and DOM and also explains the use of refs, DOM, and ReactDOM.
Static Type Checking
This article will explore static type checking and its implementation in JavaScript.
React Portals MEDIUM
Portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node outside the parent component’s DOM hierarchy.
Type Checking with PropTypes
This blog explains the concept and implementation of Type Checking with PropTypes in React.
Uncontrolled Components in React
This blog discusses the concepts of uncontrolled components used in React applications.
Web Components
Web Components are a way of building custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps.
React: Fiber Architecture
This blog covers the concept of React fiber architecture and the need for it. We also learn about the elements being rendered into DOM.
Axios in React MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about Axios in React and the types of requests with their implementation. We will also cover the advantages of Axios.