Table of contents
Features of Amazon Elasticsearch
The architecture of Amazon Elasticsearch
Advantages of Amazon Elasticsearch 
Disadvantages of Amazon Elasticsearch
Download and Installation
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Amazon Elasticsearch?
What is Kibana?
List some advantages of Amazon Elasticsearch.
What are the languages Elasticsearch supports?
Elasticsearch is developed in which language?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Author Ankit Kumar
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The Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a fully managed service that provides easier deployment, operation, and scale for the Elasticsearch open-source search and analytics engine. This article will discuss Amazon Elastic Search, its features, advantages and disadvantages, installation of Elasticsearch and API convention. In the end, we will discuss some frequently asked questions related to the article.

The Amazon Elasticsearch Service helps clients construct, develop, and deploy Elasticsearch solutions. And it is generally used for analytic purposes and for searching for data.

Let us discuss some features of Amazon Elasticsearch.

Features of Amazon Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch now has many new features and improvements that clients may use in the Amazon Elasticsearch service. Some are:

  • Versatility: AWS Elasticsearch gives versatility to its customers, such as custom packages to improve search results. 
  • Security: AWS Identity and Access Management offer access control (IAM). Field-level, document-level, and index-level security are available with AWS Elasticsearch. The data is encrypted. Also, node-to-node encryption is available.
  • Stability: It allows you to distribute nodes across two or three AWS Region Availability Zones. It provides dedicated master nodes to alleviate cluster administration chores.


Quite interesting, let us see the architecture of Elasticsearch.

The architecture of Amazon Elasticsearch

The AWS CloudFormation template creates an Amazon API Gateway (AWS Lambda function) to execute the proxy microservice. The microservice manages the preprocessing settings, native indexing, and other native search features by providing business logic. The microservice uses Amazon Comprehend for text analysis, Amazon CloudWatch Logs for logging and monitoring, and Amazon OpenSearch Service for indexing documentation.

Analysis of Amazon Elasticsearch Service



The proxy microservice transmits the request to Amazon Comprehend for text analysis when the API gets an approved request. The data is indexed by Amazon OpenSearch Service, which also transmits logs and metrics to CloudWatch.

We can see the indexed data on the solution's pre-configured Kibana dashboard.


Let us discuss some advantages and disadvantages of Elasticsearch.

Advantages of Amazon Elasticsearch 

Some advantages of Amazon Elasticsearch are as follows:-

  • It has documentation in a variety of languages. As a result, individuals from all over the world may use it in their languages.
  • Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine.
  • Elasticsearch has a gateway idea that makes it simple to create complete backups.
  • Because Elasticsearch is written in Java, it may be used on any platform.
  • It is a real-time search engine, which implies that new documents are searchable in this engine only one second after they are added.
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Disadvantages of Amazon Elasticsearch

Some disadvantages of Amazon ELasticsearch are as follows:-

  • Elasticsearch isn't as good as alternative data storage solutions like MongoDB or Hadoop. It works well for tiny use cases. However, streaming TBs of data every day chokes or loses the data.
  • It's a versatile and strong data storage search engine; however, it's a little tough to master. It is not as straightforward as using an out-of-the-box search, especially for business searches.


After getting to know the features, advantages and disadvantages, let us see how to download and install Elasticsearch.

Download and Installation

Before downloading and installing, be sure that you have Java pre-installed in your system. 

Follow the instructions given below:

Step1- Download Elasticsearch. Choose your platform and click download. Let's say opted for windows and then click on the windows download button.



Step 2- After downloading, extract the file into your system.


Step 3- Go inside the folder, then again to the bin and run the elasticsearch BAT file. The elasticsearch.bat is the only file to run the server.


Step 4 - Once you run the elasticsearch.bat file, a command prompt window will appear, and the server will start soon. And You can access the server by simply googling this URL or typing manually http://localhost:9200.


NOTE: Make sure your JAVA version is 11 or greater; otherwise, it will show waning to update JAVA.


Yay! You have successfully downloaded and installed Elasticsearch. 

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Time to discuss some frequently asked questions related to the topic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Amazon Elasticsearch?

The Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a fully managed service that provides easier deployment, operation, and scale for the Elasticsearch open-source search and analytics engine.

What is Kibana?

Kibana is a free and open user interface for navigating the Elastic Stack and seeing your Elasticsearch data.

List some advantages of Amazon Elasticsearch.

1. Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine. There is no need to pay a licencing fee to download it.

2. Elasticsearch has a gateway idea that makes it simple to create complete backups.

What are the languages Elasticsearch supports?

Elastisearch supports various languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, etc.

Elasticsearch is developed in which language?

Elasticsearch is developed in Java programming language.


In this article, we have extensively discussed the Amazon Elasticsearch Service. We start with the introduction of Amazon Elasticsearch Service, then discuss the architecture, advantages and disadvantages along with its installation guide.

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